
‘‘For the good works you’ve done, you deserve to go to paradise, but for the message you preach, you deserve to go to hell!” said the village elder to my friend. Over the past ten years my friend and . . .

One God One Message ( Complete Book)

What makes the Bible such a controversial book? What causes governments to forbid it and parents to disown their children for believing it? What drives millions of monotheists to share common ground with atheists in their disdain for these ancient writings? Could the Bible’s claim to be the living, active, penetrating, and judging Word of God have anything to do with it?

Chapter 1: Buy the Truth

Don’t laugh. Oxford University Press has published an encyclopedia identifying ten thousand distinct religions worldwide. And that doesn’t include the thousands of sects and denominations found within those religions. So what are we to buy? Who are we to believe? If there is only one true God, . . .

Chapter 2: Overcoming the Obstacles

Chapter 2: Written by P. D. Bramsen. Narrated by Don Wilson.

Chapter 3: Corrupted or Preserved?

Chapter 3: Written by P. D. Bramsen. Narrated by Don Wilson.

Chapter 4: Science and the Bible

Chapter 4: Written by P. D. Bramsen. Narrated by Don Wilson.

Chapter 5: God’s Signature

Chapter 5: Written by P. D. Bramsen. Narrated by Don Wilson.

Chapter 6: Consistent Witness

Chapter 6: Written by P. D. Bramsen. Narrated by Don Wilson.

Chapter 7: The Foundation

Chapter 7: Written by P. D. Bramsen. Narrated by Don Wilson.

Chapter 8: What God Is Like

Chapter 8: Written by P. D. Bramsen. Narrated by Don Wilson.

Chapter 9: None Like Him

Chapter 9: Written by P. D. Bramsen. Narrated by Don Wilson.

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