Ezekiel 8:2-9:11

Judgment is not a pleasant subject. Talking about something else—anything else—would be so much easier! But as Dr. McGee points out, it is a reality and we must deal with it sooner or later. So, hop aboard the Bible Bus as the people of Israel continue to ignore Ezekiel and turn their back on God.

Ezekiel 7:1-8:4

Have you heard the saying, “the punishment fits the crime”? In this study we’ll learn that God’s judgment will indeed fit the severity of Israel’s crimes. See both the historic value of this Old Testament book as well as the lessons applicable for us today.

Ezekiel 5:17-7:2

God displays His glory through His acts of grace and mercy, as well as through His holy righteousness. That’s what we’re learning as our study of the Old Testament book of Ezekiel continues.

Ezekiel 3:20-5:17

The judgment of Jerusalem, that’s what we’re talking about in this study. Hop aboard the Bible Bus as we set off for Ezekiel 3:20-5:17 and watch as the prophet uses some extreme antics to get the people’s attention.

Ezekiel 2:1-3:19

Who do you think are the hardest to reach with the gospel of Jesus Christ? Muslims? Hindus? Buddhists? Atheists? Find out how Dr. McGee answers this difficult question and be encouraged by Ezekiel’s response to God’s call on his life.

Ezekiel 1:4-28

It’s an age-old question that has plagued man since the beginning of time: What does God look like? In Exodus 33:19, Moses asked to see God’s glory. And God said, “No man can see His face and live. His glory is too great for our eyes.” But if you’d like a quick glimpse, join in this study for a majestic view of God’s glory as revealed by the prophet Ezekiel.

Ezekiel 1:1-4

The prophet Ezekiel spoke in the darkest days of Israel. From his vantage point at the bottom of a dark valley, Ezekiel saw the heavens open and had visions of God! Join us as we begin our study in this amazing Old Testament book.

2 Timothy 4:6-22

Hop aboard the Bible Bus for Paul’s heartfelt goodbye message that will inspire us to keep the faith with beloved metaphors such “fighting the good fight” and “finishing the race.”

2 Timothy 4:1-8

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God ….” That’s the beautiful beginning to Paul’s charge to Timothy in 2 Timothy, chapter 3, verse 16. Witness Paul defend God’s Word and give us some final instruction on how we can live a life that’s pleasing to Him.

2 Timothy 3:8-17

Seducers, sorcerers, and imposters. That’s what the Apostle Paul warns about in 2 Timothy, chapter 3. Follow along as we hear Paul explain that the best antidote to apostasy is studying and knowing the Word of God.

2 Timothy 3:1-12

Our study of apostasy—or wrong teaching—continues in our study of 2 Timothy 3. Travel with us as Paul warns of the prevalence of false prophets in the last days and the price Christians will have to pay for their faith.

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