Spoil From The Battle - Psalm 119:161-162 (ש Shin)

Pastor David takes us on this daily, verse-specific devotional through the wise and wonderful Book of Psalms. As a part of the series, Pastor David exposits directly on the text itself, while highlighting the wider context of biblical truth, important historical perspectives, and the emancipatory work of Christ Jesus. Enjoy a new devotional each da…read more

How Each Biblical Feast Points To Jesus – Leviticus Chapter 23

Welcome to Pastor David Guzik's 23rd video in an in-depth study of the book of Leviticus. Throughout this series, Pastor David exposits through a full chapter of scripture with you - verse by verse, point by point. Detailing and unearthing these timeless lessons for today's believers, each lesson culminates by highlighting some of the many ways each chapter parallels or the personage and mission of Christ Jesus. What are your thoughts on this portion of scripture? Read David Guzik's written commentary on Leviticus chapter 23: https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/leviticus-23/ Pastor David's free commentary on the entire Bible, in 10+ languages: https://enduringword.com/ Download the free Enduring Word app today! iPhone: https://apple.co/3X1sryZ Android: https://bit.ly/3ixdC8f Join Pastor David every Thursday for a Question & Answer live stream right here on YouTube! (12PM Pacific, 3PM Eastern, 7PM GMT) Submit your own timestamps via the comment section for a chance to have them incorporated into the video itself. Chapters: 0:00 Introduction (1-2) Introduction to the feasts of the Lord. (3) The Sabbath. (4-5) The first feast: Passover. (6-8) The second feast: The Feast of Unleavened Bread. (9-14) The third feast: firstfruits. (15-21) The fourth feast: The Feast of Weeks (also called Pentecost). (22) A reminder to be generous to the poor and the stranger. (23-25) The fifth feast: The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah). (26-32) The sixth feast: The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). (33-44) The seventh feast: The Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth). Zechariah 14:16-19 The prophetic significance of the feasts of Leviticus 23. 42:24 Closing Prayer #biblestudy #enduringword #bible #leviticus #jesus #oldtestament

Affliction And Revival - Psalm 119:153-154 (ר Resh)

Pastor David takes us on this daily, verse-specific devotional through the wise and wonderful Book of Psalms. As a part of the series, Pastor David exposits directly on the text itself, while highlighting the wider context of biblical truth, important historical perspectives, and the emancipatory work of Christ Jesus. Enjoy a new devotional each daily, (44/52) Read David Guzik's full written commentary on Psalms chapter 119: https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/psalm-119/ Join Pastor David every Thursday for a Question & Answer live stream right here on YouTube! (12PM Pacific, 3PM Eastern, 7PM UTC) For Pastor David's commentary on the entire Bible, in 10+ languages, visit the Enduring Word website: https://enduringword. Download the Enduring Word app today! iPhone: https://apple.co/3X1sryZ Android: https://bit.ly/3ixdC8f #biblestudy #inspiration #devotional #enduringword #psalms #dailypsalm

Is God Limited By Our Unbelief? LIVE Q&A, Feb 6 w/ David Guzik

Welcome to the weekly live Q&A with Pastor David Guzik, author of the Enduring Word Bible commentary. After our lead question, Pastor David takes questions via the live chat - simply add your questions & our moderator will arrange & deliver them to Pastor David according to theme or subject! This week, Pastor David's lead question comes from Margaret Njeri, who asks: ​​"Is God limited by our unbelief? Matthew 13.58." Resources: For Pastor David's commentary on the entire Bible, in 12+ languages, visit: https://enduringword.com/ Download the Enduring Word app! iPhone: https://apple.co/3X1sryZ Android: https://bit.ly/3ixdC8f This week's questions: 0:00 Greetings & Introduction #biblestudy #christianity #jesus #bible #christian #pastor

Following the Great Physician — Mark 2:13-28

Welcome to Pastor David Guzik's audio-only teaching series through the Gospel of Mark! Follow along in an in-depth study of the good news according to Mark, a vital account of the mission and work of Christ Jesus. Throughout this series, Pastor David exposits through a portion of scripture with you - verse by verse, point by point. What are your thoughts on this portion of scripture? Read David Guzik's written commentary on this passage, Mark 2:13-28: https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/mark-2/ Pastor David's free commentary on the entire Bible, in 10+ languages: https://enduringword.com/ Download the free Enduring Word app today! iPhone: https://apple.co/3X1sryZ Android: https://bit.ly/3ixdC8f Join Pastor David every Thursday for a Question & Answer live stream right here on YouTube! (12PM Pacific, 3PM Eastern, 7PM GMT) Submit your own timestamps via the comment section for a chance to have them incorporated into the video itself. #biblestudy #enduringword #bible #gospelofmark #jesus #newtestament

Near And More Near - Psalm 119:150-151 (ק Qoph)

Pastor David takes us on this daily, verse-specific devotional through the wise and wonderful Book of Psalms. As a part of the series, Pastor David exposits directly on the text itself, while highlighting the wider context of biblical truth, important historical perspectives, and the emancipatory work of Christ Jesus. Enjoy a new devotional each daily, (43/52) Read David Guzik's full written commentary on Psalms chapter 119: https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/psalm-119/ Join Pastor David every Thursday for a Question & Answer live stream right here on YouTube! (12PM Pacific, 3PM Eastern, 7PM UTC) For Pastor David's commentary on the entire Bible, in 10+ languages, visit the Enduring Word website: https://enduringword.com/ Download the Enduring Word app today! iPhone: https://apple.co/3X1sryZ Android: https://bit.ly/3ixdC8f #biblestudy #inspiration #devotional #enduringword #psalms #dailypsalm

The Mercy of God - Exodus 34:5-7

In this special message, Pastor David Guzik teaches on one of the wonderful attributes of God, as revealed to us in Exodus chapter 34. Delivered at the Southeast Pastors/Leaders Conference on February 22nd, 2023 at Calvary Chapel Merritt Island, this passage details the some of the expanse and depth of God's character, through his interaction with Moses. Read Pastor David's full written commentary on this passage: https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/exodus-34/ Download the Enduring Word app for free today! iPhone: https://apple.co/3X1sryZ Android: https://bit.ly/3ixdC8f Join Pastor David every Thursday for a Question & Answer live stream right here on YouTube! (12PM Pacific, 3PM Eastern, 7PM UTC) For Pastor David's free commentary on the entire Bible, in 12+ languages, visit the Enduring Word website: https://enduringword.com/ ⛪️ For more information on Calvary Chapel Merritt Island, visit: https://www.ccmerrittisland.org https://www.youtube.com/@calvarychapelmerrittisland493 #biblestudy #bible #christian #oldtestament #exodus

According To Love, According To Justice - Psalm 119:148-149 (ק Qoph)

Pastor David takes us on this daily, verse-specific devotional through the wise and wonderful Book of Psalms. As a part of the series, Pastor David exposits directly on the text itself, while highlighting the wider context of biblical truth, important historical perspectives, and the emancipatory work of Christ Jesus. Enjoy a new devotional each daily (42/52) Read David Guzik's full written commentary on Psalms chapter 119: https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/psalm-119/ Join Pastor David every Thursday for a Question & Answer live stream right here on YouTube! (12PM Pacific, 3PM Eastern, 7PM UTC) For Pastor David's commentary on the entire Bible, in 10+ languages, visit the Enduring Word website: https://enduringword.com/ Download the Enduring Word app today! iPhone: https://apple.co/3X1sryZ Android: https://bit.ly/3ixdC8f #biblestudy #inspiration #devotional #enduringword #psalms #dailypsalm

Crying Out And Hoping In His Word - Psalm 119:145-147 (ק Qoph)

Pastor David takes us on this daily, verse-specific devotional through the wise and wonderful Book of Psalms. As a part of the series, Pastor David exposits directly on the text itself, while highlighting the wider context of biblical truth, important historical perspectives, and the emancipatory work of Christ Jesus. Enjoy a new devotional each daily, (41/52) Read David Guzik's full written commentary on Psalms chapter 119: https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/psalm-119/ Join Pastor David every Thursday for a Question & Answer live stream right here on YouTube! (12PM Pacific, 3PM Eastern, 7PM UTC) For Pastor David's commentary on the entire Bible, in 10+ languages, visit the Enduring Word website: https://enduringword.com/ Download the Enduring Word app today! iPhone: https://apple.co/3X1sryZ Android: https://bit.ly/3ixdC8f #biblestudy #inspiration #devotional #enduringword #psalms #dailypsalm

Tried And Proven - Psalm 119:143-144 (צ Tsadde)

Pastor David takes us on this daily, verse-specific devotional through the wise and wonderful Book of Psalms. As a part of the series, Pastor David exposits directly on the text itself, while highlighting the wider context of biblical truth, important historical perspectives, and the emancipatory work of Christ Jesus. Enjoy a new devotional each daily, (40/52) Read David Guzik's full written commentary on Psalms chapter 119: https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/psalm-119/ Join Pastor David every Thursday for a Question & Answer live stream right here on YouTube! (12PM Pacific, 3PM Eastern, 7PM UTC) For Pastor David's commentary on the entire Bible, in 10+ languages, visit the Enduring Word website: https://enduringword.com/ Download the Enduring Word app today! iPhone: https://apple.co/3X1sryZ Android: https://bit.ly/3ixdC8f #biblestudy #inspiration #devotional #enduringword #psalms #dailypsalm

The Problem with the Covenant of Grace | Pastor David Guzik

Pastor David addresses the Reformed concept of a Covenant of Grace (a part of Covenant Theology), and its dire implications on the Presbyterian practice of infant baptism. URLs cannot be added to YouTube comments, so please send any videos of Presbyterian ministers warning their congregation that their infant baptisms will not save them to ewm@ enduringword.com ! For Pastor David's free commentary on the entire Bible, in 12+ languages, visit the Enduring Word website: https://enduringword.com/ Download the Enduring Word app for free today! iPhone: https://apple.co/3X1sryZ Android: https://bit.ly/3ixdC8f Join Pastor David every Thursday for a Question & Answer live stream right here on YouTube! (12PM Pacific, 3PM Eastern, 7PM UTC) Chapters 0:00 The Problem with the Covenant of Grace 2:20 Defining "Covenant of Grace" 6:45 We See the So-Called Covenant of Grace Nowhere in Scripture 14:34 Two Objections 17:50 Attempts to make a biblical case for a covenant of grace 20:45 We See the So-Called Covenant of Grace Everywhere in Scripture 22:33 A Third Objection 25:27 A Motte and Bailey 34:29 The Harmful Effects of Infant Baptisms, and an appeal to pastors 36:46 Why is this a big deal? Continue the discussion in the comment section! Quote Sources & Resources: https://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/what-covenant-grace https://opc.org/cce/covenant.html https://carm.org/about-doctrine/what-is-the-covenant-of-grace/ https://www.monergism.com/nature-covenant-grace https://www.monergism.com/covenant-grace-3 https://www.alliancenet.org/placefortruth/column/theology-on-the-go/the-covenant-of-grace #biblestudy #bible #christian #newtestament #baptism #reformedtheology

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