If we are truly trusting in God’s plan and providence, then we will live in obedience to His will for our lives. Our trust in God is not meant… read more
Abraham's life was one of obedience. While he was not perfect, he certainly was a man who wanted to obey God. He went from worshiping many gods… read more
Have you ever gone to your refrigerator in search of a stick of butter to eat? You felt the hunger gnawing at the inside of your stomach and so you… read more
One of my favorite things to do when I am on vacation is hike in the mountains and take in as much scenery and contact with wildlife as possible. The… read more
Even though our sins and trespasses were paid for on the cross, our sin still grieves the Holy Spirit, which is why we must continually remember our… read more
As He delivered the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus was intentional about the order of what we call the beatitudes. He was leading us through the way of… read more
The Cauldron of Fire sounds more like a blockbuster movie or fantasy novel than the title of a Footsteps episode. But today's topic is not a… read more
I recently watched the trailer for Eternals, an upcoming movie release from Marvel Studios. A creation of legendary comic writer and artist Jack… read more