They Cannot Stop the Word of God

"No matter what tyrant, dictatorship, or oppressive rulership is out there, they will never be able to stop the penetration of the Word of… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

The Blessing of a Godly Household

It’s odd how we sometimes attempt to improve upon the perfect model God has given us. In the Bible, God makes it clear that men are to be the… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

Leadership Is the Husband’s Role

Our society today does not embrace many of God's edicts with open arms. And when it comes to the subject of men and their role in the family, the… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

Individual Visitors

TWR is a mass media ministry that utilizes AM, FM, and shortwave radio, video, media players, cell phone apps, and the internet. While radio is a… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

Every Corner of the Earth

Are you familiar with TWR360? Tens of millions of people are! Since its launch in May of 2013, there have been over 49 million sessions on TWR360. … read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

Submitting to God’s Plan for Relationships

For the past several decades, the roles of men and women have been compared, debated, and challenged. If the numerous books and articles about the… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

Top Countries on TWR360 (2021 Mid-Year Update)

June is almost over. Wow! 2021 is passing by quickly! As we reach the midpoint of the year, we have identified the top countries where people have… read more
TWR360 - Faith for Your World TWR360

The Spirit’s Power over Temptation

Some believers wonder how they can receive more of God’s Spirit. But God has already given us all of Himself. We must learn how to tap into His… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

One Hundred Languages

Let's say that you don't speak the local language. One day, someone recognizes your foreign tongue and hands you a small card that says… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

Money Can’t Buy You Love…or Anything Else that Matters

Most people think money is the secret to satisfaction. They think that happiness equates to how much money you’ve got at your disposal. But… read more
Dr. Tony Evans The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans

Nature’s Designs Inspire Anti-Icing Surfaces

One of the joys I experience as a scientist comes from reading how researchers have discovered features in nature that can help humanity. Mechanical… read more
Dr. Hugh Ross Science News Weekly Round-Up

Responding to Sin with Repentance

Perhaps you have struggled with a certain sin or temptation for a long time. Each time you yield to it, you find yourself crying out to God, asking… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

The Danger of Self-Confidence

In his book The Screwtape Letters, author C.S. Lewis wrote: “The safest road to hell is the gradual one—the gentle slope, one that is… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

Responding to Temptation with Truth

If you believe in God, you have probably experienced times of doubt and questioning. You have wondered if He really is wise and perfect, if He really… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

The Unseen Battle

Right now, an invisible war is happening. A spiritual battle is being waged, and we are right in the middle of it. … read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

A Step of Faith

How can you be sure that God is calling you into missionary service? On today's Footsteps, TWR's Doug Gregson puts it this way: "You… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

Resisting Satan by Clinging to God’s Grace

A spoiled little boy was throwing a temper tantrum. He was angry because the housekeeper would not let him have a valuable vase from the cabinet.… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

New Mechanism Moves Biochemical Cargo and Points to Design

Years ago, my wife Amy and I adopted two children from an orphanage in Mexico. It was enlightening to glimpse the world through their young eyes. … read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

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