Matthew: The King and His Kingdom

We continue our occasional series of explorations of the books of the Bible with the Gospel of Matthew. As part of this ongoing series, we’ll… read more
Dr. Tony Evans The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans

Solar Design: Resolving the Solar Abundance Problem

Our Sun is a star like no other. I have discussed the Sun’s amazing design in one published book, a forthcoming book,1 and in various articles… read more
Dr. Hugh Ross Science News Weekly Round-Up

You Have God’s Presence and Provision

Read Exodus 14:23-31. … read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

You Are No Longer Alone

Read Exodus 14:19-22. … read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

The Value of Godly Wisdom

When we have godly wisdom, we see things from an eternal perspective—not from a worldly, temporal perspective. And when we see things from an… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

The Spirit of Wisdom

Solomon says that wisdom will give us power for living. “Wisdom makes one wise person more powerful than ten rulers in a city”… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

True Wisdom

People who are worldly wise often try to disguise this worldly wisdom as God’s wisdom. Worldly wisdom comes in the guise of spirituality or… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

Natural and Worldly Wisdom

Knowledge and wisdom are closely related, but there is a difference. Knowledge is the storing up of information, and wisdom is the ability to apply… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

An Author Read by Popes, Rock Stars, and Atheists

One Christian author in history owns the distinction of having been read by popes, rock stars, and leading atheists. He lived almost 1,600 years ago… read more
Kenneth R. Samples Science and Faith Building Blocks

Knowledge vs. Wisdom

When Satan came to tempt Christ in the wilderness, our Lord was ready. With each Scripture that the devil twisted and hurled His way, Jesus responded… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

Artificial Night Lighting May Cause Ecosystem Collapse

Who would have thought that turning on the lights at a beach resort could devastate coral colonies? A new discovery explains the harm while also… read more
Dr. Hugh Ross Science News Weekly Round-Up

Commit to Doing God’s Will

One of the identifying characteristics of our postmodern, post-Christian culture is indecision. Many people today refuse to accept that life is made… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

The Joy of Obedience

If we want to truly delight in God, we must treasure His Word—not as a china ornament, but as a map in the wilderness. … read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

A Lamp and a Sword

When we wield the Word of God as a lamp to our feet and a sword against sin, we become more and more able to delight in God’s presence. … read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

Spears and Machetes

Missionary Susan Templet carries the Gospel to isolated villages deep in the Amazon Jungle of Ecuador. It's not an easy assignment, and on… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

Don’t Quench the Spirit

In the middle of summer, it is difficult to resist the appeal of a soft drink commercial on television. No matter what brand it is, the beverage… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

Deep into the Jungle

God has called Susan Templet and her brother to share Jesus with those who live deep in the Amazon Jungle in Ecuador. While the work can be… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

By the Spirit

When we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to transform our lives, we will discover increasing joy in the presence of God. … read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

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