Our God is sovereign! He was, He is, and He always will be at work in the lives of believers. As you listen to today's Footsteps with Enrique… read more
"In the United States, we are very blessed that we have so much Christian media, ... and then we forget that in other parts of the world, there… read more
The recently released Jesus Revolution film is a faith-based drama centered on the lives of three evangelical Christians who were involved at the… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
Jim Hill says he was drawn to full-time missionary service with TWR when he heard a testimony from a TWR-Bonaire listener in Venezuela who said,… read more
Unlike most of the other letters in the New Testament, the authorship of Hebrews is never revealed. What is clear, however, is that the author of… read more
Ever since the well-publicized Scopes Trial in 1925, evangelical Christians have engaged in vigorous, often heated debates over the age of the… read more