Anger Management
The Greek word for patience is made up of two parts: “anger” and “long in coming.” Think of it as the ultimate anger management program—and one that can occur only with God’s help.
How do you handle your anger? Do you erupt like a volcano or suppress your frustrations so that they fester? Either approach is unhealthy. The solution that God’s Spirit brings is the ability to express anger positively and appropriately, which is coupled with the willingness to allow God’s patience to work in us, thereby imitating His long-suffering love (see Psalm 103:8).
The Lord sent His Holy Spirit to comfort you at all times—including your times of waiting. Begin to praise God for His infinite, intricate care for you. Though for a while God may be silent, His Spirit is always with you, and an answer will come in His perfect timing.
If you are tired of trying to be patient in your own strength, admit your exhaustion to the Lord. Then allow His Spirit to fill you with His long-suffering patience. With the strength of the Lord, nothing is impossible.
Prayer: God, I confess that at times I become angry when I’m in a season of waiting. I can’t overcome this on my own strength, so I ask that Your Spirit will fill me with long-suffering patience. I’m glad that nothing is too hard for You! I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near” (James 5:8).
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