Your Enemy’s Intentions
When you have a sleepless night, what do you do? Do you get up from your bed, turn on the television, and try to avoid facing your problems? Do you allow your mind to replay old tapes of the day's events, or do you stop and pray?
Many times, Satan is the one who awakens us at night, telling us what we have yet to do or reminding us of the things we have done wrong. If God wakes you up at night, you can be sure His instruction will be swift, never condemning, and always based on the Truth of His Word.
Satan, however, uses lies and temptation to work out his plan in our lives. He enjoys tempting us into doubting God's goodness. He likes to lure us away from the Truth of Scripture while getting us to respond to his lying words.
To be prepared for the enemy's attacks, it is important to remain vigilant in our spiritual walk. In 2 Samuel, we find that King David did not take this advice.
The Lord had given David victory after victory, living in the light of God’s blessings. God even proclaimed that David was a "man after His own heart" (see Acts 13:22). David was conscious of God's abiding presence and personal love. But he made a horrible mistake. He became careless in his devotion to the Lord. He fell for Satan's trap, and, on a sleepless night, he took a stroll on his rooftop instead of going into the temple to pray (see 2 Samuel 11). Adultery left its mark on his life and on the lives of his family members.
While God's forgiveness is always available to us, His greatest desire is that we avoid Satan's entrapments. Remain faithful in your worship and devotion to the Lord. Pray that the Lord will guard your heart in all that you do.
Prayer: Father, when I have trouble sleeping and my thoughts are filled with anxiety and guilt, help me to recognize the work of Satan as he seeks to condemn me. May I run to the cross and remember the grace and freedom I have received. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy” (Psalm 94:18-19).
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