Two men I’ve been reading about for virtually my entire life but for very different reasons died on the exact same day. For more than 50 years,… read more
God loves it when, out of an overflow of our love for Him, we give generously. His Word is filled with examples of those who gave generously and… read more
Giving was a major emphasis of Paul’s ministry, especially during his third missionary journey. He understood that generosity naturally leads… read more
When we think of generosity, we often think of giving money freely, randomly, exuberantly, and at no real cost to our livelihood. Many are paralyzed… read more
When we think of generosity, we often think of giving money freely, randomly, exuberantly, and at no real cost to our livelihood. Many are paralyzed… read more
God has been dependable in the past, providing for us in every twist and turn of life. He is trustworthy—and He holds our future in the palm of… read more
For now, our minds are earthbound. We do not have the ability to imagine fully what heaven will be like. If we could, it would drastically change the… read more
Someday, we who belong to Christ will experience firsthand the splendor and magnificence of heaven. Although we know that our earthly lives are… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D.Leading the Way
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