Jesus took on human weakness so that He could conquer the sin of the world. By doing so, He shows us that true power comes in trusting in and… read more
Christmas teaches us the paradoxical nature of the Christian faith. By accepting what we cannot fully comprehend, we declare that God is God and we… read more
A paradox is an apparent contradiction that conceals a profound Truth—and the Bible is filled with paradoxes. We triumph by first surrendering… read more
In this season, we celebrate God sending His Son from heaven to save us from our sin. But Jesus came not only to take our sins away but also to… read more
At Christmas, we celebrate the fulfillment of cherished prophecies about the coming Messiah—centuries of longing culminating in the advent of a… read more
Like the star that pointed the Wise Men to baby Jesus, there may be a star in your life that has been trying to point you to the King of kings.… read more
Over 2000 years ago, on that first Christmas, Magi came from the East to worship Jesus. They entered Jerusalem asking, "Where is the one who has… read more
Once the Wise Men discovered that prophecy dictated Jesus would be born in Bethlehem, they continued on their journey from Jerusalem, and suddenly,… read more
Today, reliable reports show that approximately 90 percent of Americans know their astrological sign, while 70 million Americans consult their… read more