
In the early days of the American Civil War, many soldiers and citizens in both the North and South believed that the war would end quickly. In… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

Big Bang Implications of Detecting the Universe’s First Stars

Many astronomers have co-opted the term “holy grail” to refer to difficult-to-achieve potential discoveries that would catapult our… read more
Dr. Hugh Ross Science News Weekly Round-Up

God Calls Us to Act

(You can now listen to today’s MY Devotional on Leading The Way’s daily devotional podcast!) … read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

Rebuilding Our Broken Walls

(You can now listen to today’s MY Devotional on Leading The Way’s daily devotional podcast!) … read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

Uncle Bill

My father's name was James Edward Napier. His friends called him James or Jim, but within the family, he was known as Bill or Billy. Why? … read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

Laodicea and the Perils of Spiritual Apathy

(You can now listen to today’s MY Devotional on Leading The Way’s daily devotional podcast!) … read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

We Trust You

On today's Footsteps, Jon Hull tells us how a radio station staff in Slovakia trusts God to provide for them. They pray, "God, we're… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

Philadelphia and the Door God Opens

(You can now listen to today’s MY Devotional on Leading The Way’s daily devotional podcast!) … read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

The Way They Learn

For the first half of our sons' education, we were a homeschool family. Through homeschooling, my wife and I quickly discovered that our two… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

Sardis and the Snare of Reputation

(You can now listen to today’s MY Devotional on Leading The Way’s daily devotional podcast!) … read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

Stories on Devices

In a particular part of India, "the people are fascinated by these stories coming from this little device" tells Dean Lundberg of YWAM… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

Thyatira and the Need for Discernment

(You can now listen to today’s MY Devotional on Leading The Way’s daily devotional podcast!) … read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

Putting the Pieces Together

When my oldest daughter Chrystal was growing up, she loved to put puzzles together. Every time Christmas came around, Lois and I would always know… read more
Dr. Tony Evans The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans

God so Loved the World

"God so loved the world, not just our little corner of it," explains Ron Hutchcraft on today's Footsteps. I know that statement sounds… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

God’s Love Extends to Many

As a scientist, Christian apologist, and pastor, I’ve received thousands of questions over the years from people who’ve wrestled with… read more
Dr. Hugh Ross Science News Weekly Round-Up

Courage While Facing the Proliferation of Pseudo-Science

King Darius was persuaded by his lieutenants that it would be a good idea to sign a decree saying that for thirty days no one could… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

Pergamum and the Problem of Compromise

(You can now listen to today’s MY Devotional on Leading The Way’s daily devotional podcast!) … read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

Smyrna and the Temptation to Quit

(You can now listen to today’s MY Devotional on Leading The Way’s daily devotional podcast!) … read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

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