The Transfuguration of Jesus

Peter tells us about the unconditional love and long-suffering patience Jesus showed to his closest followers.

Jesus and the Leper

Eli tells about Jesus healing a man with the dreaded disease of leprosy.

Through the Roof

Accidents happen and other tragedies happen in life. Jesus has power over injuries, damaged bodies and wounded hearts. Ezra tells about his life and the impact Jesus had on him, both physically and spiritually.

Jesus Ministers to His Disciples

Andrew tells us about some of the personal struggles he and the 12 disciples faced during their daily walk with Christ.

Jesus Begins His Ministry

What must it have been like to have Jesus as a brother? James, Jesus' half-brother, tells his story about Jesus

John the Baptist

John the Baptist, the man of whom Jesus said, “among those born of women there is no one greater,” tells his own story.

The Birth of Jesus

Joseph tells an exciting story about the birth of the Son of God.

Mother of Jesus

Mary tells about a visit from an Angel

Promise of a Savior

Theophilus is challenged by his family about his newfound faith.

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