Keeping a Pure Mind (#2)

What’s the big deal if you have sinful thoughts . . . but never act on them? Surely what stays in your head couldn’t hurt anybody, right? That’s John MacArthur’s focus in a message called “Keeping a Pure Mind” . . . one of the most practical messages in GRACE TO YOU’s history. Get ready to be challenged by the timeless Word of God.

Keeping a Pure Mind (#1)

The Bible is clear that it’s sinful to lie, cheat, and steal . . . but have you ever wondered what the Bible says about your thoughts . . . about keeping a pure mind? Well, John MacArthur tackles that subject . . . a foundational step toward victory in your battle with sin. So join John for his important lesson titled “Keeping a Pure Mind”.

When God Abandons a Nation

As you look at this nation—with your head spinning at all the chaos . . . all the problems . . . all the wrong thinking . . . all that is upside-down—do you wonder if God can still bless America? John MacArthur is going to show you how nations could secure divine blessing . . . and why and how God abandons nations to their destruction. Be here . . . for GRACE TO YOU.

Four Ways to Miss Heaven

How can you miss heaven? Is there anything in your life that’s keeping you from being “a good and faithful servant” that one day will “enter into the joy of the Lord”—that is, into heaven? A critical question to answer. John MacArthur helps you do that today in one of his most memorable messages from over five decades of pulpit ministry. Join him . . . for GRACE TO YOU.

Commitment to the Church (#2)

Some important questions for you . . . What should your commitment to the local church look like? How can you know when you should stay put . . . and when you should go? Well, for five decades, John MacArthur has been digging deep into God’s Word . . . showing you how critical your commitment to the church is. Join him for a timely message on that subject . . . on GRACE TO YOU.

Commitment to the Church (#1)

If you’re a Christian, what should your commitment to the church look like? Well, for almost fifty-five years, John MacArthur has been helping people like you understand the crucial role of the local church . . . and what your role should be in it. So join John for one of his all-time most challenging messages, called “Commitment to the Church” .

The Tale of Two Sons (#3)

Have you ever wondered what the story of the prodigal son is all about? Maybe you’ve wondered how to apply it to your life . . . or where you might fit into the story. Well, today, John MacArthur will examine that amazing parable . . . which, as you’ll see, is really a tale of two sons. Be here for his classic message . . . on GRACE TO YOU.

The Tale of Two Sons (#2)

Do you have questions about the Bible? Well, join the club. Maybe you’ve read the story of the Prodigal Son and wondered how it applies to your life. If so, join John MacArthur as he probes the depths of that story—one that is often misunderstood by even the most committed student of Scripture. Don’t miss “The Tale of Two Sons” . . . on GRACE TO YOU.

The Tale of Two Sons (#1)

You’ve probably heard that a Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. One reason for that . . . when you constantly feed on God’s Word, you’ll constantly be strengthened by its unequaled power. So risk some wear and tear on your Bible and take a fresh look at perhaps the most vivid account of God’s grace in all of Scripture. Join John MacArthur . . . on GRACE TO YOU.

Shade for Our Children (#2)

Since 1969, GRACE TO YOU has been taking John MacArthur’s verse-by-verse Bible teaching near and far, for the purpose of “equipping the saints for the work of the service, to the building up of the body of Christ.” On GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur shows you how you can protect your children from all of the corruption in this wicked world.

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