Abel and the Life of Faith - Part 2

Here is a simple but extremely important question: How do you live a life of faith? Well, in the 55-plus years that John MacArthur has been digging into God’s Word, he has taught on timeless biblical truth that gives clear direction for your life . . . including on how to live faithfully for Christ in any circumstance. See what I mean . . . on GRACE TO YOU.

Abel and the Life of Faith - Part 1

Do you have questions about the Bible . . . maybe about what it says about standing strong in your faith and honoring Christ in a world that opposes Him and His people? Well, for the encouragement that you need, John MacArthur is here with a study that he calls . . . The Power of Faith. Listen to John’s practical lesson . . . on GRACE TO YOU.

What is Faith? - Part 2

If you have workout equipment in your garage that only collects dust . . . what good is it? Well, that same principle applies to your Bible—if you don’t use it, you won’t benefit from it. So follow along in your Bible as John MacArthur takes you to Hebrews chapter 11 . . . showing you . . . The Power of Faith. That’s the title of John’s study . . . on GRACE TO YOU.

What is Faith? - Part 1

Here are some important questions . . . and, really, they’re some of the most important questions anyone could ask: What is faith? How can you be sure your faith is genuine . . . and that it is saving faith? John MacArthur considers those questions today . . . and helps you make sure you’re putting your faith where you should . . . in his series called . . . The Power of Faith. . . on GRACE TO YOU.

The Power and Pity of Jesus, Part 2b

Between books . . . television . . . movies . . . even what you hear in churches—there is no shortage of opinions about what the definition of love is. So the question is, What’s the truth? What exactly is love?Well, John MacArthur helps answer that by looking to the perfect example of love—the Lord Jesus Christ. John is continuing his study titled . . . Jesus Over All. . . on GRACE TO YOU.

The Power and Pity of Jesus, Part 2a

You’ve probably heard that a Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. The reason: When you’re constantly reading your Bible and meditating on its truth, you’re constantly faced with the truth of who Jesus Christ is—the living, ruling, all-powerful . . . and compassionate Savior.So risk some wear and tear on your Bible with John MacArthur . . . on GRACE TO YOU.

The Power and Pity of Jesus, Part 1b

When youthink of Christ’s earthly ministry, what comes to mind? Maybe His zeal for pure worship of God and a right understanding of Scripture? Or maybe His confrontation of religious hypocrisy? Those certainly were true of Christ’s earthly ministry . . . as well as another aspect that you can’t afford to miss. John MacArthur explains . . . on GRACE TO YOU.

The Power and Pity of Jesus, Part 1a

For over fifty-five years, John MacArthur and GRACE TO YOU have been “Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time” . . . connecting as many people as possible with the life-changing truth of God’s Word. John will help bolster your trust in Christ by considering His supreme power and His matchless compassion. Be here for the series titled . . . Jesus Over All. . . on GRACE TO YOU.

Dominating Powers, Part 2b

Have you ever wondered what would happen if Jesus walked the earth today and performed the same miracles that He did 2,000 years ago? Would everyone believe in Him? Or would they reject Him . . . like those who saw Him firsthand?Stay here for the answers to those questions . . . as John MacArthur continues his current study called . . . Jesus Over All. . . on GRACE TO YOU.

Dominating Powers, Part 2

For over five decades, GRACE TO YOU has been connecting God’s people with verse-by-verse Bible teaching that transforms lives and strengthens families and churches.And to help strengthen you, John MacArthur takes you back 2,000 years to a bizarre encounter with a herd of pigs and a demon-possessed man . . . showing you how that story can deepen your trust in Christ.

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