The Vision of Glory (#1)
You’ve probably heard that a Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. That to say, when you’re constantly reaching for your Bible and meditating on its truth, you’ll find the guidance and strength you need every day. So risk some wear and tear on your Bible with John MacArthur as he looks at The Future of Israel. . . on GRACE TO YOU.
Israel’s Future, Part 3
If you have workout equipment in your garage that only collects dust . . . what good is it? Well, that same principle applies to your Bible—if you don’t use it, you won’t benefit from it. So grab your Bible and follow along as John MacArthur shows you what it says about The Future of Israel, and how what’s ahead for that nation affects you . . . on GRACE TO YOU.
Israel’s Future, Part 2 (#2)
Some questions for you . . . What does the future hold for Israel? Does God still have a plan for that nation . . . or has He largely abandoned it? And how does Israel’s future apply to you? There’s more to those questions than you may have ever considered. So take a half hour to look at The Future of Israel. That’s John MacArthur’s study today . . . on GRACE TO YOU.
Israel’s Future, Part 2 (#1)
You may know that Scripture has much to say about Israel, but does it address the modern tensions in that land . . . even the current conflict playing out there? Find out as John MacArthur shows you what God’s Word reveals about The Future of Israel. That’s the title of his study—join John on GRACE TO YOU.
Israel’s Future, Part 1 (#2)
So what is the future for Israel? Is the fact that Israel still exists in its land significant? And how does Israel’s future relate to your future? Learn how God’s plan for Israel affects the whole world—including you. Join John MacArthur as he continues an important study called . . . The Future of Israel. . . right here . . . on GRACE TO YOU.
Israel’s Future, Part 1 (#1)
For over fifty-five years, John MacArthur and GRACE TO YOU have been “Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time” . . . connecting as many people as possible with the life-changing truth of God’s Word. So, I encourage you to tune in today to hear what the Word of God reveals about, The Future of Israel. That’s the title of John’s study . . . on GRACE TO YOU.
Why the Believer Doubts, Part 2 (#2)
For over five decades, GRACE TO YOU has been connecting God’s people with verse-by-verse Bible teaching that transforms lives and strengthens families and churches. And to help strengthen you today, John MacArthur will show you how to deal with the temptation to question your faith in Jesus Christ. Join John for his encouraging study called . . . When Believers Doubt, on GRACE TO YOU.
Bible Questions and Answers, Part 58
Well, you’re probably enjoying a break from your normal routine on this holiday Thursday. And GRACE TO YOU is also taking a break—a break from John MacArthur’s current series that is. Instead, you’ll hear John answering questions about the Bible and the Christian life . . . maybe a question or two that you’ve wondered about. So stay here for a compelling Q&A . . . on GRACE TO YOU.
Why the Believer Doubts, Part 2 (#1)
When you pray, do you ever wonder if God is really there . . . or if He is really listening? What do you do with doubts like those? John MacArthur will help put your uncertainty to rest by showing you what Jesus Christ said to someone who dealt with that kind of uncertainty. The title of John’s study . . . When Believers Doubt. Listen to GRACE TO YOU.
Why the Believer Doubts, Part 1 (#2)
To be sure . . . we’re living in a broken world. From sickness to natural disasters to death itself, perhaps you have trouble understanding why God would allow such suffering. Maybe you’ve even wondered if He is who the Bible says He is. How should you respond to that sort of uncertainty? John MacArthur’s message today may be just the encouragement you need—join him . . . for GRACE TO YOU.