How did Jesus feed more than 5000 people with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 small fish? How should people who believe in Jesus live? How should we pray? Why would Jesus say He is the light of the world? What was the "Transfiguration"?
How did the religious leaders react to Jesus' teaching? How did they try to trick Jesus? What was "The Last Supper"? Jesus allowed Himself to be captured and arrested, tried and crucified. Why? What was the crucifixion?
Why was Jesus crucified on Calvary? Why did one criminal go to heaven and one criminal not? What is Easter all about? What is the resurrection? Who saw Jesus after the resurrection?
Jesus met two disciples on the road to Emmaus and spoke of how the old prophets spoke of Jesus throughout the scriptures. What difference did it make? How did Jesus treat "doubting Thomas"? What was the ascension? What did Jesus tell his disciples they should be doing? What is the Great Commission?
How do you even begin to describe the creator? What can we learn about Him and how can we learn it? What did God choose to share about Himself and His story? How long did it take the Creator to create the universe and the world we live in today? What is the origin of man?
What is the "Origin of Sin"? Who was/is Lucifer? What happened to the marvelous creation God made? How did evil enter the world? Who is Satan? Who is the Devil? Are demons real?
What happened when Adam and Eve sinned? How does that affect you today? Did man's fall into sin surprise God? What is the "law of sin and death"? Why do we have pain and suffering? "Was there any hope?"
Why did Noah build an ark? Geological and fossil records affirm the Biblical record of a global flood. What was the "Tower of Babel"? What did God do about it?
Who was Moses? How did God help the children of Israel cross the Red Sea? What did God do when people thought they were perfect? What are the 10 commandments? Why did God give them? While animal sacrifices were unable to take away sin, they were a picture of what future sacrifice?