Good Works Prepared for Us

Today we continue our fresh and favorite verses with Ephesians 2:7-10.

Decades of Stewarding Grace

As we celebrate our 20th year this week, we talk about the fun memories and the honor of being stewards of grace as written in Ephesians 3.

Trust is Not Compliance

You risked trusting others, but now you are not sure if you agree with their perspective on something.

If They Hate Us

John 15 tells us that if they hate us for knowing Jesus, they hated him first. But what does that mean for how we treat those who hate us? And do all people hate us?

Will Grace Hold

Today we start a series discussing popular arguments against living in grace.

In The Camp

This week we are talking about John's trip to Bosnia during the late 90's. His experience was not a Hallmark card of Christian experiences. So how does God love us in the midst of, "all we were going to do for God"?

A Soft Heart

Talking about putting on the new self and some of what that would look like.

Not About Position or Power

In the Room of Grace, the mature influence others, not so much out of the power of their position, but out of who they are.

What is Vulnerability

The difference between transparency and vulnerability is huge. We are talking the impact of vulnerability on relationship.

Better If I Leave

In John 16 Jesus tells us that is is better if he leaves because when he does the Holy Spirit will come. Why was that so important?

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