Hope Through Giving Your Life to Others

Last week I was having lunch with someone who has been struggling with depression. How in the world can a person with deep depression have Hope in life? Let me suggest ...

Hope Through Internal Change

The greatest way to bring Hope to others is by the example of an ...

Hope Through Full-Time Ministry

"He asked me if he should quit his job and go into “fulltime” Christian work". Lauren's response may surprise you.

Hope Through Planning

Every year I sit down, open my spiritual journal and Bible and ask The Lord for an emphasis for the coming year. This year...

Give People Hope

My note to myself. I can dramatically change the tone and tenor of my home, workplace and community by

Hope from Purpose in this Life

Who would imagine that we would get Hope from having a Job Description from God?

Hope Through Discouragement

The wedding day came and everything was ready but the wedding didn’t happen…until...

Hope in the Midst of Religious Activity

Are you tired and burned out on religion?

Words Can Bring Hope

Words are incredibly important and powerful. How seriously do you take them?

Hope through Blessings

What's happening of significance in your life?

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