Taking the Lid Off Hell, Part 1
Those who want to deny hell need to deny the cross as well. If hell isn't real, then Jesus died for nothing. We must keep hell in the gospel . . . lest we lose heaven in the process.
The Wine of His Wrath, Part 2
Hell is a difficult concept to both think about--much less talk about. Many Christians today shy away from the subject. But the Apostle John speaks in clear terms and doesn't leave any room for question regarding the topic.
The Wine of His Wrath, Part 1
Hell is a difficult concept to both think about--much less talk about. Many Christians today shy away from the subject. But the Apostle John speaks in clear terms and doesn't leave any room for question regarding the topic.
Question and Answer Program No. 88
Stephen and Scott discuss questions phoned in by listeners. Please note that there is NO transcript available for this program. Due to scheduling conflicts, this is an edited repeat of QA15 which aired January 2016. One question was inserted from another QA program.
From the Lips of Angels, Part 2
Throughout the book of Psalms, King David often asked God the question, "When will You judge your enemies?" In Chapter 14 of Revelation, God finally sends the answer.
From the Lips of Angels, Part 1
Throughout the book of Psalms, King David often asked God the question, "When will You judge your enemies?" In Chapter 14 of Revelation, God finally sends the answer.
An Original Song, Part 2
Charles Dickens began his novel A Tale of Two Cities with that famous line, "It was the best of times; it was the worst of times," and the Apostle John could have begun his book of Revelation with that same poignant statement.
An Original Song, Part 1
Charles Dickens began his novel A Tale of Two Cities with that famous line, "It was the best of times; it was the worst of times," and the Apostle John could have begun his book of Revelation with that same poignant statement.
What We Give Away, Part 2
Every church body--and believer--should not be consumed by perfection, but focused on progressing--pursuing a holy pattern for living that comes from God's Word. This is especially vital in today's dark culture. In this teaching, Pastor Davey explains the importance of demonstrating Biblical faithfulness through the financial support of your local church. After all, God owns it all, and we are merely stewards. Let's use His resources wisely and bring Him glory.
What We Give Away, Part 1
Every church body--and believer--should not be consumed by perfection, but focused on progressing--pursuing a holy pattern for living that comes from God's Word. This is especially vital in today's dark culture. In this teaching, Pastor Davey explains the importance of demonstrating Biblical faithfulness through the financial support of your local church. After all, God owns it all, and we are merely stewards. Let's use His resources wisely and bring Him glory.