
A group of people working together can accomplish significantly more than when each person works alone. This is synergy. From the Apostle John's third letter from Ephesus, Pastor Davey expounds upon the call for Christians to work together--in synergy--to support each other. Specifically, as John writes, we are obligated to financially provide for the Lord's workers. But more than obligation, giving is our opportunity to joyfully join in the labor to further the Gospel.

How to Properly Hold the Rope

No matter where we live or what stage of life we're in, as believers we are called be ambassadors for Christ right where we're planted. Some are called to go -- often to the far reaches of the globe. But, as Pastor Davey explains here, even if we can't personally go out into the world to start an orphanage, preach to Muslims, or live in the jungles, we can become "rope-holders", supporting with prayers, finances, and encouragement those who do go.

Questions for the Heart

Third John is a personal letter between the great Apostle John and one of his closest friends, and it's astounding that the issues they faced haven't changed much over the past two millennia. As Pastor Davey unpacks the first four introductory verses, he raises five questions for which the answers are known only to each of us, respectively, and to God. So, let's use these promptings as a mirror for our souls and reflect upon how we are progressing in our own walk with the Lord.

Heart to Heart

Although John was the last living Apostle, authored several books of the Bible, and was even given a tour of heaven, he used the simple tools of paper and pen -- well, papyrus and reed -- to provide warm encouragement and rich instruction to the unnamed faithful woman in 2 John. Here, Pastor Davey summarizes the truths of John's postcard into seven key principles for us to apply as we show Christ's love to others through whatever gifts God has given us.

How to Handle a Heretic

As Christians living in a world of heretical teaching, we don't need to know about every false religion or belief, we just have to know the Truth. We must keep our eyes open to recognize the shiny distractions of the enemy. Moreover, as the Apostle John writes in these verses, we must shut our doors to those trying to convince us of another gospel. And we must close our wallets to them -- don't buy their books, watch their shows, etc. -- or we'll be helping to spread the lies.

This is NO Picnic

New believers often think that, because they’ve been saved, life from now on will be a picnic. The truth is, however, that the Christian walk is a battlefield, with pummeling enemy fire and hard-fought victories. Throughout Scripture we are charged to put on our armor and use every weapon the Lord has given us for battle with the enemy. Here, the Apostle John warns us to stay alert, so we don't lose the ground we've gained or forfeit our full reward in heaven.

The Devil's Great Commission

When someone says they believe in Jesus, we can’t presume it’s the real Jesus. False teachers are proclaiming many different versions of Jesus to give people what they want to hear—and lead them away from the Truth. This is Satan’s commission. In this lesson from 2 John, Pastor Davey unpacks John’s warning about the deceptive messages being spread (as true now as it was then), equipping us to identify the false teachers so prevalent today.

How to Keep From Growing Cold

Can love be commanded? Isn’t it a “feeling” that’s out of our control? According to Scripture, Christians are, in fact, commanded to love one another with a divine agape love—love that is choice, love that overcomes feelings. In these verses, the Apostle John defines agape love as obedience to God’s will. Here, Pastor Davey expounds upon this truth, describing how walking in love keeps our hearts from growing cold toward others and toward God.

Wearing the Dust of the Savior

Today, as it was in the Garden of Eden, the enemy chips away at God’s truth through patient erosion—he tweaks and adapts it until what is believed is no truth at all. Therefore, it’s not surprising that our current culture embraces so many lies. As parents, our goal is that our children choose to walk in truth, and this lesson from 2 John calls us to be encouraged when they are…and to keep praying when they’re not.

When Nothing Seems to Last

In our culture of moral relativism, “truth” is often defined as “yours” or “mine”—but it’s never absolute. However, as Believers, we can rest in the knowledge that there is a Divinely determined truth. In this lesson, Pastor Davey looks to the words of the Apostle John to remind us that Christ-followers are bound together by our love for truth. And, despite the waxing and waning cultural norms, truth endures forever, transforming us through its mercy, grace and peace.

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