
Why is Abraham called the Father of many nations? Who was Abraham anyway? What did God find so special about him? In this message, Stephen reminds why Abraham's story -- like your story -- is a story of grace.

Ruling Out the Law

Have you ever walked up to a stranger and asked, "If you were to die tonight, would God let you into Heaven?" If so, I bet that person responded with something like, "Well I'm a good person; I've never murdered anyone or committed adultery or robbed a bank." Many people today believe the misconception that being "good enough" will get them into heaven. But in Romans 4:13-16, Paul silences that misconception in an emphatic way. As he points to his religious Jewish audience, full of people who believed that the Law of Moses would grant them entrance into Heaven, he reminds them (and us) that the standard for eternal life is not moral goodness . . . it's perfection.

The Sign and Seal of Faith

What was the point of circumcision in the Old Testament? Many Jews believed it was a sign of salvation and that without it you couldn't have a relationship with God. Were they right? Stephen answers that question and many more in this message.

Forgiven . . . Forgotten

Have you considered recently the amazing truth that even though God knows everything about you, He still loves you? No matter how many times you fail Him, He never fails you. No matter how many times you prove that you deserve hell, He offers you Heaven. These are just a few of the profound truths that Paul reveals to us in Romans chapter 4.

The Cover-Up

Churches all across America have problems--that's obvious. Some fail to reach out to their community; some are more committed to constructing buildings than building disciples; some have little passion in worship. But these are only symptoms of a greater problem: Christians are not only ignorant of what the Bible says, they are indifferent to what it means. In this message Stephen reminds us why a proper understanding of God's Word is not a trivial matter . . . it is sometimes a matter of life and death.

Father Abraham

What's the big deal about Abraham? Why do Christians and Jews and Muslims alike fight to call him their "father"? What is his theological and historical importance? Paul gives us the answer in Romans 4.

Ordinary Saints

What makes a person a saint? What earns someone such a significant title? Contrary to popular opinion, sainthood is not an award for the elite and pious; it is a gift to every child of God.

The Most Famous Thank-You Letter in Church History

How is it possible that only one small church in Philippi supplied all of Paul's needs? Where were the thousands of other Christians who had been impacted by Paul's letters and visits? Sadly, the ministry of financial support has always been a minority operation.


More. Isn't that what we all want? More money. More time. More success. More friends. More likes on Facebook. The apostle Paul was a human just like us, so if he could learn the secret of contentment, so can we.

What's On Your Head?

Our thought life can be a quiet killer. Bitterness, impurity, greed, hatred, and all kinds of malice take root in our minds before branching out in our actions. So if your thoughts are running rampant today, tune them out for half an hour and let Stephen give you something pure to think about.

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