HowToLife New York City -- Promo
HowToLife West Suburbs Promo | @howtolifewestsuburbs #shorts
'NYC IS UP' - HowToLife NYC 2024 Promo Video #shorts #jesus #newyork
Hope in NYC. Where is it? Right here. These boroughs are vibrant, diverse, and filled with young people searching for purpose. We believe that we have a solution for finding hope. The hustle and bustle of city life can leave many feeling lost, but we want to invite you to three upcoming events that might be able to change that. BY GEN-Z FOR GEN-Z. BK / Q- April 19th 116 Suydam St, Brooklyn, NY 11221 Calvary International Church @howtolifebrooklyn.queens BX- April 20th Promise Land Covenant Church 1010 E 174th ST, Bronx, NY 10460 @howtolifebronx NEWARK- April 27th CANAA Church 205 Thomas Street, Newark, NJ 07114 @howtolifenewark Send this to a friend, we’ll see you there. We’re spreading the message that God is on the move right here. Follow @howtolifenyc on Instagram for updates! :) #shorts
Cheyenne -- Missionary to Gen Z
Support Cheyenne as your missionary to Gen Z! "It is such an honor and encouragement for me to work directly with youth that are thrilled to bring the gospel to their community. I provide support to young people in developing HowToLife events in their local area, communicating with churches and ministries throughout the northeast and globally to strengthen interest in this movement, and more. To support Cheyenne, visit:
A visit with Jordan and Blake Whitmer - December 2023
Exciting UPDATE from Jordan Whitmer, Founder / CEO of HowToLife Movement. Help reach, disciple, and mobilize young people for Jesus. Give online:
HowToLife Movement Youth Ministry Explainer Video
Are you a Christian youth worker with questions about the HowToLife Movement, what exactly it is, and how you can be involved? Watch this video to learn more!
Youth Worker Explainer Video
Are you a Christian youth worker with questions about the HowToLife Movement, what exactly it is, and how you can be involved? Watch this video to learn more!
Jesus is Better — Elijah Lamb
Elijah Lamb shares a powerful message at HowToLife Portland, Oregon. Are you interested in bringing the HowToLife Movement to your area and/or doing something to reach Gen Z for Christ in your area? REACH OUT to us! Send us a DM us on Instagram or email .
HowToLife London, England (U.K.) -- Recap Video
God moved powerfully at HowToLife London, January 2023. Watch this exciting recap video!
HowToLife Movement -- "Jesus is the HOPE for Gen Z!" 2023 Promo Video
Our generation needs the hope of Christ. We want to do something about that! HowToLife Movement events are taking place all across the world this year -- around the U.S., Canada, Latin America, the U.K., Europe, Africa, and Asia. Do you want to be involved in doing something to help reach your friends and our generation? Send us a DM / MESSAGE today on Instagram: @HowToLifeMovement We'd love to talk to you about ways you can get involved with an event or potential event near you! There is HOPE for our generation. Jesus is the hope for Gen Z!
CBN 700 Club, Interview with Jordan Whitmer. "Carrying the Torch of Faith for Generation Z"
Jordan Whitmer, 24, Founder and CEO of HowToLife Movement, was interviewed on the 700 Club for the second time. "Carrying the Torch of Faith for Generation Z"