Your Mission: Should You Choose to Accept It—What Is Your Privilege? Part 2

Christ also gives comfort and shelter. He shelters from outward wrath and gives comfort for inner weariness. Are you feeling innerly weary? In Christ, you'll find comfort. You're never alone.

Your Mission: Should You Choose to Accept It—What Is Your Privilege? Part 1

What is the spiritual privilege that comes of going on mission for Jesus? It's important that we know what is given to an individual and what is special about following Jesus, so that we can extend it to anyone else.

Your Mission: Should You Choose to Accept It—What Is Your Foundation? Part 2

Until a man is converted and knows it, he is not the slightest use to God. Are you converted? Do you know it? Do you have the assurance of your faith? If so, you are released to get out and serve.

Your Mission: Should You Choose to Accept It—What Is Your Foundation? Part 1

The real, true God must be bigger than my mind can comprehend. So if I have any view of God that I can entirely comprehend, it must be a false god. It is so important that we have in our minds who God actually is, not just what we think he is.

Your Mission: Should You Choose to Accept It—What Is Your Joy?

The way to achieve joy is not to focus on our feelings. The focus on the negative creates unhappiness. What is even worse is that the focus on the self generates the unhappiness of narcissists. It's a self-esteem nightmare! Joy is a wonderful fruit of a vital relationship with God, even in the midst of turbulent waters.

Your Mission: Should You Choose to Accept It—What Is Your Message? Part 2

It is standard, accepted truth in the world today that we are all good, and we do not need saving. Of course this is not what the Bible teaches. But long-time believers can have a tendency to assume they've heard teachings before rather than letting the gospel drive their daily behavior and shape them. And once you assume the gospel, you are that much closer to abandoning it.

Your Mission: Should You Choose to Accept It—What Is Your Message? Part 1

The messaging has shifted down through the years on the cross and what it means. Some have a clear understanding, but others think of a piece of jewelry or a religious symbol. The message has gotten blurred.

Your Mission: Should You Choose to Accept It—Will You Be Provided For? Part 2

To offer prosperity if we believe enough is pastorally cruel. It raises unrealistic expectations and it's experientially naive. It's counter to the teaching of the Bible, most obviously in the book of Job, not to mention the cross of Jesus himself. Most of all, to offer prosperity is to offer too little.

Your Mission: Should You Choose to Accept It—Will You Be Provided For? Part 1

Do you ever feel like you're hanging on by your fingernails? This message is designed to be an encouragement for your faith to help you know that you can trust God in these times. We can know that we will be provided for.

Your Mission: Should You Choose to Accept It—Will You Hurry?

Many would say that our feeling of urgency or hurry is a product of our modern life. Is there a right kind of hurry with a biblical basis? Or is hurry merely an unwanted aspect of contemporary life?

Your Mission: Should You Choose to Accept It—Will You Be Brave?

Our lives are not simply about having a healthy work-life balance. What's the point of having a healthy life if it has no meaning? If you are a follower of Jesus, you are on his mission. Your life is a great gospel adventure—be brave!

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