The God Who Holds Leaders Accountable, Part 2

Does it really matter if we are faithful or not? Pastor Colin talks about what God does when his people prove unfaithful.

The God Who Holds Leaders Accountable, Part 1

What does God expect of leaders? Pastor Colin talks about trust and accountability.

The God Who Speaks for Himself, Part 2

Wherever the Word of God is spoken, you will find those who bring an alternate message. Pastor Colin talks about why this message can often seem so attractive.

The God Who Speaks for Himself, Part 1

You can’t see God, or hear God, or touch God. So, how could you ever come to know him? Pastor Colin talks about the difference between speculation and revelation.

The God Who Brings Disaster, Part 2

You know that God is in control of the good things that happen in life, but what about the bad? Pastor Colin talks about the sovereignty of God and what it means on the darkest days of life.

The God Who Brings Disaster, Part 1

Disaster comes to both the godly and the ungodly, but where does it come from? Pastor Colin talks about the limits that Christians sometimes place on the sovereignty of God.

The God Who Brings Revival, Part 2

You’ve experienced one disaster after another. Or your father (or your mother) have been a great disappointment to you (and to others), so you wonder: What hope is there for me? Pastor Colin talks about what can happen when you have a close encounter with the living God.

The God Who Brings Revival, Part 1

“The gods will keep you from harm as long as you keep them happy.” Pastor Colin explains the difference between Paganism and Christianity.

Our Desire, Part 2

If you are going to believe in Jesus, you need to spend time doing this. Pastor Colin talks about why first impressions of Jesus are not enough.

Our Desire, Part 1

Why is unbelief the dominant response to the gospel? Pastor Colin talks about what the Bible says.

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