Spend And Be Spent 3
It’s good to ponder carefully a verse in Scripture. All of it is inspired, useful, and deserves our close investigation. II Corinthians 12: 15 refers to spending and being spent. What’s the difference?
Spend And Be Spent 2
Our culture continues to shift. And not in a Godward direction. What might that mean for Christ followers?
Spend And Be Spent 1
God has invested in us. He gives us breath, strength, wisdom, calls us His masterpiece. He calls us his sons and daughters. What shall we do with this investment?
My perspective changed. Was I storing up the . . .
Grace Has A Face 2
Grace, a rare commodity today. Yet, it is available in abundance to anyone.
Grace Has A Face 1
Things change. Public discourse has become public conflict and verbal smack downs. Listen for words of kindness in any public square. Silence. Why has this happened?
Hope Has Hands
Hard times come to everyone. In the community of believers, we help each other through these times.
Live For The Word
Do you remember when Christians could count on our laws to protect our religious freedom?
Enemy Tactics
Scripture compares our spiritual life journey as a battle.
Out Of Step
Increasingly Christ followers are out of step with popular culture. Nothing new. But . . .