What’s Your Nametag Say? – Part 2
1 Peter 2
What’s Your Nametag Say? – Part 1
" In a world that's increasingly hostile to faith, do you know who you really are? Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe launches a new series called Headlines: Navigating Life in Two Worlds. Drawing from First Peter, we'll discover how your identity in Christ shapes everything about your life ... so listen today at to BOLD STEPS!"
Divine Appointments -- Part 2
When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone for God? Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe shows us what happens when we respond to God's nudges, and how to recognize them in the midst of our day-to-day lives. Learn how to break free from tunnel vision and join God's bigger plan for your life today on BOLD STEPS!
Divine Appointments -- Part 1
Could God be setting up divine encounters in your daily life? Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe explores how God orchestrates spiritual appointments. We'll uncover how to recognize and respond to those moments when God is working behind the scenes. Don't miss another divine opportunity today on BOLD STEPS!
Roll Up Your Sleeves -- Part 2
The Kingdom of God isn't just coming ... it's already here! Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe reveals how we can bring heaven's hope to earth. As carriers of God's presence, we're called to share His message in a dark world. Discover your role in this divine mission ...today on BOLD STEPS!
Roll Up Your Sleeves -- Part 1
Ready to get your hands dirty for the Gospel? Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe shares an urgent message about spiritual work. Drawing from Luke chapter 10, we'll discover why the harvest is plentiful but workers are few. Learn how you can step up and answer God's call to service today on BOLD STEPS!
The Splash Effect - Part 2
" Is your faith making waves in the lives of others? Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe challenges us to live boldly for Christ. We'll explore how the early disciples' faith was so visible, they were accused of splashing it everywhere they went. Learn how to live your faith in radical ways that change hearts and transform lives today on BOLD STEPS!"
The Splash Effect
Ever wonder how far your faith can reach? Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe launches a powerful new series about spiritual influence. We're diving into the book of Acts to discover how believers can create ripple effects that transform lives. Like a splash in a pool that touches everything around it, your faith has more impact than you realize ... so find out more, today on BOLD STEPS!
Your Work Matters To God -- Part 2
Tired of living for the weekend? Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe reveals how to find purpose in your everyday work. We're continuing our study on the spiritual significance of our jobs, addressing common misconceptions about work and calling. Discover how to align your career with God's plan, no matter where you are or what you're doing today on BOLD STEPS!
Your Work Matters To God -- Part 1
Is your job just a paycheck, or could it be a calling? Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe challenges us to see our work through God's eyes. We're moving beyond the "Thank God It's Friday" mentality to discover how our daily work fits into God's grand design. Learn why your job matters more to God than you might think, in this perspective-shifting message today on BOLD STEPS!
Choose Your Fight -- Part 2
Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe shows us how to choose our fights from a spiritual perspective. We’re continuing our study on Fighting the Battles that Matter … as we discuss how to know which fights are worth engaging and which are better left alone. Don't miss this final installment of Choose Your Fight today on BOLD STEPS!