
Can you imagine walking with Jesus after He rose from the grave and not recognizing Him?


How does God expect His people to be strong and stand up against the evil in the world and stand up for what is right? The late pastor Paul Schroeder shares how in today's edition of "The Word Today".


What happens if we misuse our sexuality? What does the Bible have to say about this? What is the sin of lust? Learn from Douglas Schroeder in today's episode of "The Word Today".


Food is a struggle for many; some have too little and some have (and eat) too much. Douglas Schroeder shares on the sin of gluttony in today's edition of "The Word Today".


What can we learn from Jesus meeting a woman from Samaria? The late pastor Paul Schroeder shares much from this encounter in today's edition of "The Word Today".


How are we supposed to be able to forgive our sins? How are we supposed to be able to forgive others?


What are Christians commanded by God to do? Douglas Schroeder's answer to this question may surprise you in today's edition of "The Word Today".


God made us to "get things done". Yes, rest is needed in order to have the strength to do things, but . . .


Temptations abound, so how can you resist them? The late pastor Paul Schroeder shares some helpful insights needed in order to overcome temptations in this edition of "The Word Today".


Today's topic is all about you. It's time for a self examination. Listen to the late Paul Schroeder help you know what to look for as you take a serious look inside.


How do we show God that we love Him? How do you express devotion to God? Listen to Douglas Schroeder as he focuses on one particular way in today's edition of "The Word Today".

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