Please deeply pray for my physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
I seek healing for my hand, finger, throat, chest, spine, backbone, and whole-body pain, as well as relief from weakness and physical disability. May I find mental and emotional peace, calmness, strength, and resilience.

May I receive all necessary site transportation, accommodation expenses, petty cash, and salary from the office. I ask for stability and success as a capable and powerful Project Manager, whether in the office or on-site as required. May the MD, Chairperson, and Director support me with care, love, and encouragement. May I also be promoted to the position of Director within the office.

I seek favor and cooperation from petty contractors, operators, office staff, hotel owners, bike riders, bike owners, and local people. May I overcome and be protected from enemies, challenges, illnesses, unfavorable situations, and difficult times.

I pray for divine realization, protection, and the grace to remain in a state of divine consciousness, fully unified with God.

Thank you so much! Amen.
Prayed for 44 times
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