Jump to 4:09 for the start of the stream. Today's lead question was one we couldn't get to last week - "Does Satan rule the world?" Then, on to your questions in the live chat. This week's questions and tImestamps: 0:00 Prelude 4:09 Stream starts, nearing 100k YouTube subscribers, upcoming giveaway! 8:11 Does Satan have dominion over this world? Why are there mixed messages regarding this? 18:11 What will be the fulfillment or antitype of Rosh Hashanah? What does Rosh Hashanah represent or possibly foreshadow? Are the trumpets of Rosh Hashanah related to 1 Corinthians 15, verse 52, and 1 Thessalonians 4, verse 16? 25:25 Do you agree with any of the 5 points of TULIP in Calvinism? (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Perseverance of the Saints) Would you agree with the P (Perseverance of the Saints) in TULIP? 30:10 How do I reconcile faith and God's will? 33:39 Should a pastor be a political leader? 37:50 When we get to heaven, is God going to take away our free will? Or, if we still have our free will, would it be possible for us to sin again (in or after Heaven)? 40:27 What is your view on apologetics in the body of Christ? 42:52 Why do you think the judgment of God was so firm on Moses for his disobedience? 47:50 Could you speak about God as The Father biblically, and share how you see God as The Father in your own life? 54:20 What is a good biblical response for a parent to their adult child living in the home, about that child carrying on an intimate relationship outside of the home? 57:30 Do demons need to be "invited in" for people to be demon possessed, or can they possess people entirely unprompted? 59:25 Regarding the Book of Job and otherwise, if Satan can not do evil apart from God allowing him, how does this not make God passively responsible for the evil taking place? 1:02:45 In Psalms 110, David says “The Lord said to my Lord”. Did the people of the Old Testament know that Yahweh was one God but also 3 persons?
Does Satan Rule the World? LIVE Q&A with David Guzik - January 19, 2023
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