From Chapter 1:2-4 of the study of the Book of Romans, Gideon Levytam continues with the introduction of one of the most crucial texts in God’s Word, which highlights the declaration of God’s righteousness. In his letter to the believers in Rome, the Apostle Shaul - Paul, declares the good news, that God has provided a way, through the Lord Jesus, for sinners to be declared righteous. Paul describes himself as a servant of Jesus the Messiah, who was chosen by the Lord to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God. In days of old, God had, through the Hebrew prophets, promised to bring into this world His Son, the Messiah, to be born, a descendent of king David. Paul emphasizes the truth, that God, by raising the Man Yeshua-Jesus from the dead, after He died as a sacrifice for the sins of the world, showed that Jesus was truly the promised Messiah.

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