Our lead question today is, “Were Old Testament Believers Filled with the Holy Spirit?" Then, on to the questions in the live chat. How were the Old Testament believers saved under the law of Moses? Did Mary and Joseph plan on living in Bethlehem after Jesus was born? What does “falling away” mean in Hebrews 6:6? How can you spot a false teacher? What should I look for? Is being redeemed an ongoing action in the Christian life? Are we perpetually being redeemed? How can we deal with ongoing fears? How can I speak my friends about Jesus without being ashamed or embarrassed? Can Gentile believers claim the promises of the Old Testament? If the gospel is so complex and extensive, how can we share it with people in a few minutes? Was Jonah was filled with the Holy Spirit all of the time? How can we be sure we will go to heaven when we die? Do people that reject Jesus Christ go to a holding place called Hell when they die? In Luke 5 Jesus asked Peter to drop nets to catch fish, in the NKJV he “drops a net.” The ESV NIV NLT say Peter “dropped nets.” Which do you think is the best translation on this verse?
Were Old Testament Believers Filled with the Holy Spirit? LIVE Q&A for April 21, 2022
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