Today, our lead question is, "Should we Pray Daily for Forgiveness?" Then, it's on to questions from our live comments. Must the children of Israel at least partially return to the land of Israel before they repent? Is it bad when a person who has the gift of prophecy gives a word and says, “thus declares the Lord”? it’s always bothered me that the old prophet deceived the young prophet and yet didn’t get judged by God but the young did. Can you explain? If the Holy Spirit is who teaches us, why are the many doctrinal differences in different denominations? Is there something wrong in listening to worship music in Spanish in rhythms such salsa, merengue? Can we refer to Jesus’ brothers as his “Stepbrothers”? We are supposed to help widows and orphans. Who else? Can I be a Christian without water baptism? Who is the statue of the woman on your shelf? Did Ananias and Sapphira go to hell? What happens to a true believer that struggles with a specific sin that has an addictive nature like pornography for decades and until death? A friend dismissed attending church as “one verse in the Bible!” Doesn’t the whole New Testament point to belonging to a fellowship as a key to a believer’s life? How do we know when God disciplines us as mentioned in Hebrews 12?
Should we Pray Daily for Forgiveness? LIVE Q&A for May 5, 2022
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