Today we started with the question, "Are Christians required to keep the Old Testament law?" Then, on to the questions in the live chat.... When we pray for change in our circumstance, are we partnering with God’s will or seeking our own outcome? Is everything that happens to us is meaningful or significant to God and His plan for us? When doing acts of charity, should I tell others, so they follow my example, or keep it to myself, knowing that God sees? Do we need to confess and repent like in 1 John 1, 9? Do you believe in souls ties? Was the centurian with the sick servant in Luke 7 a believer? Did sacrifices for sin stop when the second temple was destroyed? And what was done for remission of sins afterwards in Israel? Does marriage come from the providence of God or does it comes from us? Why did the father of the prodigal son fulfill the son's request for his inheritance? Couldn't he have withheld it and kept the son with him? What do you think about deathbed repentance? What advice do you have for someone who trusts in Christ as their Savior, but often fears they’re not truly saved due to sin struggles in their life? Please help me understand, who were the “sons of God and daughters of men” in Genesis 6 and where did they really come from? Who or what is the book about on your shelf called “Story of My Life”?
Are Christians Required to Keep the Old Testament Law? - LIVE Q&A for August 25, 2022
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