Today's Live Q&A is brought to you by Chuck Musselwhite, pastor of The Village Chapel, and one of the board members of Enduring Word. Chuck is also the author of the Daily Walk Devotion, visit his website to find out more: Here are todays questions: Am I still a sinner yet saved by God's grace? When the new testament says we do not have to do the law any longer, does that apply to the commandments? Why do the Jews follow their own year count? Was Adam a god before he sinned? What are your thoughts on American Christian Nationalism? Do Christian have their personal Angels? No one can see God and live. But didn’t the disciples see God when Jesus revealed his glory to them the transfiguration? How does one prepare to write detailed commentary about a chapter or verse? * Check out David's series on How to Study the Bible: What does the Great White Throne of Judgment mean for unbelievers? Does Mercy triumph over judgment? Is there any profit to exploring the additional books that are not in the bible? What is difference between flesh, soul & spirit? Is the “Five fold ministry” out of Ephesians 4:11 Does Ephesians 5:3-5 mean that even believers can loose their salvation? Why does our bible not have the book of Enoch? Is marriage's purpose merely for reproduction? How is my relationship with God supposed to feel? Can you share from your experience how we can best pray for our pastors’ wives? During a Jubilee year, is the Feast of Trumpets the last trump blown on the day of atonement?
Ask me Anything - Live Q& A for September 29 2022
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