Today we start with the question, "How are the first last and the last first?" Then, on to the questions from the live chat: What are your thoughts on the Amplified Bible? Does Psalm 83 refer to an end-times war with Israel? Why did God demand a blood sacrifice for sin? How does a church leader deal with difficult people in the church? According to Hebrews 9:3-4 it sounds like the altar of incense was in the Holy of Holies, while Exodus 40:5 say it was not. Which is correct? Is there any significance in that Isaac asked for “wild game” and Rebecca sent Jacob to use a goat from the flock? How should we treat Scriptures that were written to the “children of Israel”? Such as Jeremiah 29:11 or the book of Exodus. I’ve heard that blood from Jesus was tested from an ancient cloth, and it proved His Father was not human. How should we think about things like this? Why did God send a tormenting spirit to Saul? Don’t tormenting spirits come from Satan? Should cessationists be considered false teachers? How often should a person give supplication to God? Can you comment on Martin Luther’s book “On the Jews and Their Lies” where he denounced the Jewish people and called for them to be persecuted? Was Solomon “redeemed”?
How Are the First Last and the Last First? - LIVE Q&A for December 15, 2022
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