Barb Sandbek

From the weak notes of a six-year-old singing from her bedroom window, to the embracing sounds of a trained professional on stage, Barbara’s love for the Lord still shines as she shares her heart through song and the Word. Barbara’s reason for public ministry is to express the truths, faith, and joy God has given her as she continues to strive to know Him more fully. Her goal in sharing is that the listener may be able to experience with her the blessing she receives, as she offers up a sacrifice of praise to the One who loved her and cared enough to die for her…the Lord Jesus Christ! Barbara sang with her family and then toured with a Christian group until 1992, when God called her and her husband Dale to a solo concert ministry. Dale, a certified Sound Engineer, combines his technical expertise and music knowledge to provide the best live and recorded sound possible. Together, they’ve given almost 1000 concerts. In 2000, because of the many requests for the material presented in the concerts, the Sandbeks began producing a 15-minute radio program called, ‘Grace Notes’. They sought out TWR as one of the first ministries for broadcasting to fulfill one of their ministry goals, to reach ‘the uttermost parts of the world’.