Scripture Memory
As you listen to today's Footsteps featuring Linda Freeman of C.A.S.A. Christian Ministries in Cuenca, Ecuador, notice that she says "Everybody memorizes Scripture during the week." Not only are the adults memorizing Scripture in their "house church," but the kids have "Scripture memory contests" at the children's Bible club. Why is this so important? Linda puts it this way: "We believe the children will have God's Word in their hearts, and the Holy Spirit will be able to work in their lives." That sounds a lot like Jerry Bridges who writes:
"To hide God's Word in our hearts is to store it or treasure it in our hearts against a time of future need. It is akin to our expression 'to save for a rainy day'...The Word, stored in the heart, provides a mental depository for the Holy Spirit to use to mediate His grace to us, whatever our need for grace might be."(1)
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(Photo of Linda Freeman)
1. Jerry Bridges, Transforming Grace (NavPress, 2017), from Chapter Twelve, "Appropriating God's Grace," online at Google Books, accessed May 1, 2018,