What does a wood-decaying fungus have in common with office aerobics? It’s not a joke. Both can help mitigate global warming when applied to… read more
After Jonah allowed God to use him, we see the greatest miracle in the book of Jonah: the salvation of the Ninevites. These cruel pagan people… read more
We can trace the origins of our storms to three primary sources. Some storms are of our own making—the direct consequence of sin in our lives.… read more
Jonah’s call to witness to the Ninevites was no easy task. These were not peaceful, easygoing pagans. This large city was the capital of the… read more
Learning to think rigorously for oneself is one of the most important intellectual duties in life. Critical thinking confers many benefits, including… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
Have you ever desired something so strongly that you spent hours and hours in prayer over it, even though you knew in your heart that it was not… read more
Friends ask me how I am able to hike so fast in the mountains. My secret is not to wear a lot of heavy clothing. Even when it is 40°F, I will… read more
God never promised an easy life. In our service to Him, we will sometimes be called to certain tasks that are difficult or even frightening. In the… read more
Has God ever given you a task that created a sense of panic or dread in your heart? Maybe He was calling you to lead a small group in your home. Or… read more
When I was a boy, our family's regular vacation spot was Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and on each trip, we would drive into the Great Smoky Mountains… read more