We all have a role in spreading the Gospel message until the day of Christ’s return. Yet many of us routinely fail to follow through on this… read more
My father-in-law is a skilled vegetable gardener. Each winter, he starts by planting seed in dozens of trays in his greenhouse. He waters and… read more
In his work as an ambassador with Overseas Council, Dr. Manfred Kohl has traveled around the world working with seminaries and Bible schools. Why? … read more
Tradition tells us that the third Gospel, Luke, was written by a physician. This seems likely when we pay attention to how carefully he tells the… read more
Atheists and agnostics often ask me if I am willing to allow possible scientific discoveries to falsify my Christian faith. They ask me to specify a… read more
TWR broadcasts the Gospel in over 270 languages and reaches people in approximately 190 countries, and in many of these languages and countries, we… read more
Martha’s brother Lazarus had been dead in his grave for several days. Although Martha had seen Jesus heal many in the past, she was doubtful… read more
In the parable of the prodigal son (see Luke 15:11-32), we learned yesterday that the love of the father drove him to extreme measures just to… read more
If the biblical God wants everyone to believe in him and potentially come into a saving relationship with him, then why does he seem—at least… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
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