The Tide in Africa
"The Holy Spirit has decided to visit Africa at this time," David Odhuno maintains on today's Footsteps. David serves in Africa with both Every Man A Warrior (TWR's men's ministry) and The Navigators. He goes on to advise, "I think the best thing to do is let's make use of the euphoria of the tide." Well said! David Odhuno's comment echoes the teaching of the late Henry Blackaby in his study Experiencing God:
"Find out where God is at work and join Him there."(1)
Like a tidal wave, the Holy Spirit is flowing across Africa. Now is the time for believers in Jesus to get involved in the work that the Lord is doing throughout that continent!
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(Photo of Andy Napier with David Odhuno)
1. House, Polly. 2005. "'Experiencing God,' by Henry Blackaby: 15 years of seeing God at work." Baptist Press. May 17. Accessed January 30, 2025.