Cults and heresies flourish because sincere people are looking for answers. Many are willing to turn to anything other than God. As a believer, you… read more
Broken relationships are painful. Maybe you have been betrayed by a friend, or you were lied to by your spouse. Maybe you have a rebellious child or… read more
A godly friendship never pivots on equal return of service or return of affection. Godly friendships move away from self and toward loved ones. Godly… read more
At the end of 2 Timothy, we find Paul’s last written words. He probably wrote them just days before his execution. Yet, not once in the letter… read more
Our enemy is a clever and expert con artist. We must watch vigilantly for Satan’s efforts through the discernment of the Holy Spirit and not… read more
A true friend can make a world of difference as we seek to follow God and to make a difference in this world. Godly friends comfort us, encourage us,… read more
In the last 50 years, we have seen sweeping technological advancements—yet technology has done little to confront the problems of loneliness… read more
Christ will return, and His return should motivate us to work hard and give sacrificially for the work of God. In the parable of the ten minas in… read more
How do you build your life on the solid rock of Jesus Christ? By holding on to something that is secure and immovable. That’s why Paul says,… read more
The Bible encourages us to study its prophetic passages—but the Bible also warns us not to become obsessed with predicting the dates and times.… read more
God wants us to have a realistic and balanced view of Satan and his influence. The Bible clearly teaches that Satan and his demons are real, that… read more