Jeff Zweerink

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I See No Conflict Between Christianity and Science

Science deals with reason and facts whereas religion (including Christianity) operates on feelings and beliefs. … read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

Why Leap Years Are Important

With excitement and anticipation, you make your way down to the Christmas tree, turn on the lights, and announce to the rest of the family that… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

From Deconstruction to Reformation

“Temba, his arms wide.” “Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.” “Shaka, when the walls fell.” “Picard and Dathon at… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

Do Infinities Produce Contradictions?

I love traveling and am approaching two “bucket list” items: visiting all 50 states and all 7 continents. But hands down, one of my most… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

Genesis Affirms We’re Created for Community

When Christians open the first book of the Bible we often ask, “Is the earth a few thousand years old or billions of years old?”… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

Understanding Infinity and Its Theological Implications

The mighty Achilles and a tortoise agree to a race of 100 meters. To make things fair, Achilles gives the tortoise a 50-meter head start. When the… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

Insights on the Shroud of Turin

Going to Pilate, he [Joseph of Arimathea] asked for Jesus’ body. Then he took it down, wrapped it in linen cloth and placed it in a tomb cut… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

Do the James Webb Telescope Images Show the Big Bang Didn’t Happen?

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is just starting to reveal images of the universe never seen before. The amazing clarity of this new telescope… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

The First Sentient AI?

Google engineer Blake Lemoine generated quite a stir in June 2022 when he announced his belief that LaMDA, an AI project he worked on, had achieved… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

AI Predicts Political Ideology

According to popular wisdom, if you want to avoid conflicts with people, don’t bring up politics or religion. This saying seems even truer… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

New Boson Measurements Shed Light on Physics of the Universe

I remember sitting in a crowded room of scientists back in February 2003. The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) had launched a couple of… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

Do Natural Explanations Rule Out the Universe’s Fine-Tuning?

For many years, mowing my yard required a high degree of fine-tuning. My mower required gasoline and the gas can usually sloshed the fuel all over… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

Does Human Reasoning Demonstrate Exceptionalism?

Imagine you are at a sporting goods store, shopping for baseball equipment. You approach the cashier and place a ball and a bat on the counter, and… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

Who’s Afraid of the Metaverse?

When discussing movies and TV programs, people often ask me whether some scientifically inaccurate plot feature bothers me. Usually, I answer no… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

Should We Expect Efficiency Inside the Cell?

One of my favorite planes is the SR-71 Blackbird—largely because of its extraordinary performance abilities. Even with a weight of around… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

Things to Know about Artificial Intelligence

Do thoughts about artificial intelligence (AI) bring excitement or fear? Anticipation or dread? And how should we think about this as Christians? If… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

Standing against the Tide

Richard Dawkins, Lawrence Krauss, Christopher Hitchens, Michael Shermer, Victor J. Stenger. What do all these people have in common? They are all… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

Ethical Concerns with AI: Deepfakes

How would you respond to video footage of Richard Dawkins professing faith in Christ? Or one about Hugh Ross advocating for young-Earth creationism?… read more
Jeff Zweerink Science News Weekly Round-Up

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