I Am the Good Shepherd, Part 1
If you’ve ever forgotten your anniversary or a loved one’s birthday it’s regrettable to overlook significant details about those you love. That’s probably true even about the person Christians should love most,the Lord Jesus. Take a look at some details about Christ that perhaps you’ve forgotten, on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
The Great Shepherd of Salvation, Part 2
Lord . . . Savior . . . King . . . Lamb of God—no one in Scripture has more names than Jesus Christ. For many of those titles, the meanings are clear . . . and easy to understand. But how about when Christ refers to Himself as . . .the Door? What life-changing truth does that metaphor convey? Find out on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
The Great Shepherd of Salvation, Part 1
There is no shortage of opinions on Jesus Christ. Many people say he was simply an able leader, a wise teacher, or a social reformer. So what do you say? Most important, what does Jesus say about Himself? Find out,on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
The Hopelessness of the Stubbornly Blind
When it comes to your salvation did you choose God or did God choose you? And how did you go from a blind sinner to someone who rejoices in the light of Christ? John MacArthur answers those questions as he looks at the source of spiritual sight. That’s on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
When Unbelief Investigates a Miracle, Part 2
There may be friends and family members in your life that no matter how strong a case you make for the truth of Scripture, they won’t budge an inch from their unbelief. Now why is that? Why can’t your loved ones see what’s so obvious to you and what can you do to help them come to Christ? Hear answers on the next GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
When Unbelief Investigates a Miracle, Part 1
You probably know someone who’s had laser eye surgery to fix a common vision problem. But there’s another kind of vision problem that’s much more serious. I’m talking about spiritual blindness. What is the cure for spiritual blindness?Find out, on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Blind for the Glory of God, Part 2
On this edition of GRACE TO YOU,John MacArthur is going to show you details of the Bible’s main character—Jesus Christ—that you may have never considered . . . or simply forgotten. It’s part of his series called. . .Rediscovering the Christ of Scripture.
Blind for the Glory of God, Part 1
You may have a photographic mind . . . but when you pull out those old snapshots.. . there’s always going to be details you never noticed—or have simply forgotten. That’s why it’s a good idea to revisit what you think you know—particularly about your Lord and Savior. John MacArthur helps you, on GRACE TO YOU.
How We Will Relate to Others in Heaven, Part 2
Paradise,that’s a fitting biblical description of heaven . . . the culmination of your salvation in a perfect place . . . glorified with your perfect Savior, forever. Perhaps the most important question this study is helping answer . . . how does your future glory affect the way you’re living today? How should you live in light of eternity? Find out, on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
How We Will Relate to Others in Heaven, Part 1
Perhaps you rarely think about the glorious future that awaits you. So what can you do to increase your desire for your eternal home? How can you make sure you’re hope is in heaven . . . not on the things of this earth? John MacArthur tackles those issues on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.