The Amazing Child of Christmas
Two ordinary Jewish young people were faced with the most astounding child the world has ever known. And so many astonishing and astounding things were said about Jesus Christ. Joseph and his mother were amazed at the things said about Him. Hear more, on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
The Marvelous Birth of the King
While a record of your ancestry can be fascinating, it probably has little impact on your social status. Jesus’ genealogy determined where He lived and who His friends would be. Where He paid taxes and the synagogue He belonged to. What’s more, Jesus’ ancestry shows that when He was born in Bethlehem, it was a royal birth. Hear more, on the GRACE TO YOU, with John MacArthur.
The Child Who Was God
When He was born 2,000 years ago, hardly anyone noticed. But in about seven weeks . . . you and millions around the world will celebrate Jesus’ birth. Question is, why? Why should you care so much about a baby born in Bethlehem? Find out, on GRACE TO YOU, with John MacArthur.
The Power of Christmas Truth
Whether you grew up going to church or not, you’re probably familiar with the basic facts of Christmas. Jesus was born to a virgin . . . angels announced His birth . . . and shepherds visited the baby. But if someone asked you what makes all those details so life changing . . . would you know what to say? Find out, on the next GRACE TO YOU, with John MacArthur.
Paying YourTaxes, Part 2b
On this edition of GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur brings biblical clarity to the often complicated issue of taxes as he continues his study from Romans 13 titled . . .The Christian and Government. John’s going to show you what the apostle Paul—who lived under anything but a godly government—had to say about taxes.That’s on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Paying YourTaxes, Part 2a
Government is ordained by God for the preservation of life and property. And those who serve it do so as ministers of God. Now that isn’t to say they’re all Christians that isn’t to say they all do every thing they ought to do. It is to say that in the design of government they serve a divine purpose.Hear more from John MacArthur on GRACE TO YOU.
Paying YourTaxes, Part 1
Benjamin Franklin said, “In this world nothing is certain . . . except death and taxes.” Well, with taxes in mind . . . if your government uses tax money for things you disagree with as a Christian, what should you do—what does Scripture say? Find out as John MacArthur explains on GRACE TO YOU.
The Christian’s Responsibility to Government, Part 4b
Perhaps you’ve heard that capital punishment is the only appropriate penalty for murder—the eye-for-an-eye, tooth-for-a-tooth principle the Bible talks about. And maybe you’ve also heard that the death penalty deters crime. But doesn’t God say, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay”? And how do you dismiss all the statistics that seem to show that there is no link between capital punishment and crime deterrence? Hear more, on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
The Christian’s Responsibility to Government, Part 4a
You’ve heard the political slogans . . . “A future to believe in” . . . “change we need.”They’re based on a simple premise:That the people in power aren’t fulfilling their basic responsibilities.But in order to know what government should look like . . . you have to first answer the question . . . why does government exist? What is its God-given purpose? Hear more,on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
The Christian’s Responsibility to Government, Part 3
It seems that every presidential election here in the United States stirs concern and anxiety about the future of this country. And that can be good—it can increase your desire for heaven. But while you’re serving the Lord here . . . how can you make sure your earthly citizenship honors Christ? And, if someone who rejects God and His Word comes to power . . . does your responsibility change? Find out,on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.