The Provision, Proclamation, Privilege, and Purpose of the Good News, Part 1
We live in a culture that’s in desperate need of some good news. Well, the good news is, there is good news . . . profoundly good news that revolves around Jesus Christ and what He’s done for you.Today on GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur continues his look at the gospel—what it is, what it’s not . . . how it can transform your life . . . and how you can effectively share it with others.
The Promise and Person of the Good News
If I asked you to name something you reviewed lately, what would you say? On GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur encourages you to review something far more important than personal finances and recipes. He’ll help you review what you do—and don’t—understand about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Preacher of the Good News, Part 2
How often do you think about bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to others? Perhaps you’re involved in teaching Sunday school, leading a Bible study group, Or maybe you’d like to start sharing the gospel .. . but you’re not sure who to share it with,or what to say. John MacArthur will help you think biblically about all of this today on GRACE TO YOU.
The Preacher of the Good News, Part 1
You may have wondered for a long time what Christians mean when they talk about the good news of the gospel. Or you may already believe the gospel . . . but it’s been a while since you examined its basic parts. Whatever the case, we think you’ll be challenged by today’s message on Grace to You as John MacArthur kicks off his study called . . .And Now for the Good News!
Ready or Not–Here I Come, Part 2a
While people can often predict dangerous weather . . . no one can predict the hour of the Lord’s return to earth—and for many, that will be the ultimate disaster. What should that mean for you in practical terms? How do you prepare for the Lord’s return?Find out,on the next edition of GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Ready or Not–Here I Come, Part 1b
Wouldn’t it be nice if the amazing end-time events you read about in Scripture came with obvious warning signs? How would you live your life differently if you knew, exactly when Christ would return?Well, in God’s wisdom, He’s kept the timing of that event secret. That means you need to be prepared at all times. And John MacArthur’s going to help you with that preparation on GRACE TO YOU.
Ready or Not–Here I Come, Part 1a
Today on GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur continues a series that will help clear up confusion you may have about the afterlife, prophecy, and end-times events. It’s a look at Matthew 24 and what Jesus wants his followers to know about His glorious return.
Could Jesus Come Today? - Part 2
Well, you can choose to think lightly—or not at all—about the future .. . but being ignorant about what’s ahead can have devastating, eternal consequences. So I urge you to consider a few questions. Why do we know that Jesus Christ will, indeed, return to earth? How soon will He return? And what’s going to happen when He comes back? Find out, on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Could Jesus Come Today? - Part 1
Well, it’s one thing to ride out a natural disaster, but there’s no avoiding the calamity that will hit your life on the day that Christ returns—that is unless you are prepared.And John MacArthur’s helping you prepare for Christ’s glorious return, today on GRACE TO YOU as he continues his study titled . . .Jesus Is Coming!
The Signs of the Son of Man, Part 2
You’re probably familiar with many of the important events that signal Christ’s return. There’s The Great Tribulation . . . rise of the Antichrist . . . and extreme persecution of God’s children. But one crucial sign is often overlooked, Jesus called itthe sign of the Son of Man. So what is this event . . . and is it something you want to be around to see? Find out,on this edition of GRACE TO YOU.