Daniel in the Lions’ Den, Part 1

Maybe you’ve found yourself tempted to compromise your Christian convictions in the things you say, the decisions you make,the relationships you keep,what you read, watch, and listen to. So how do you stand on convictions, under light pressure . . . and heavy pressure? When consequences are minor . . .or serious? Hear more on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Christian Ethics, Part 4 Submission and Supplication, Part 2

Standing before the Holy Roman Emperor,facing the threat of death,Martin Luther boldly proclaimed,“My conscience is captive to the Word of God.”His courageous stand for the truth was the spark that lit the fires of the Reformation.The question is, how can you face trials and persecution with unflinching faithfulness to the Lord? Find out on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Christian Ethics, Part 4 Submission and Supplication, Part 1

When you think of living with integrity, you probably think of being honest in what you say, being faithful to your spouse, and having finances that hold up to scrutiny. Indeed,those are aspects of integrity. What role, if any, does the church—does your pastor—have in helping you maintain your integrity? Find out, on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Christian Ethics, Part 3 Steadfastness, Separation, and Sacrifice, Part 2

Mourning is a predictable, normal part of life. Thankfully, God’s Word seems to speak even more powerfully in times of loss. When the Bible says, “Blessed are those who mourn,” is that an affirmation that God’s going to comfort you . . . bless you . . . when something really bad happens? Find out on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Christian Ethics, Part 3 Steadfastness, Separation, and Sacrifice, Part 1

When the Bible says, “Be in the world but not of the world,” where exactly should you draw the line? Should you not go to movies? Only patronize Christian-owned businesses? On GRACE TO YOU,John MacArthur shows you why “not being of the world” has more to do with your inward thinking than outward action . . . and why that’s critical to having a life of integrity.

Christian Ethics, Part 2 The Principles of Contentment, Part 2

If you’ve ever struggled to be content, if you’ve found yourself wishing for a bit more of something . . .or maybe a lot more—stay here today as John MacArthur continues his look at link between contentment and a life of righteousness. It’s part of his series titled . . .The Integrity Factor.Hear more,on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur

Christian Ethics, Part 2 The Principles of Contentment, Part 1

What are you like when you’re all alone? Do the things you say you believe in public—to people at your church or Bible study . . . even your closest Christian friends—match your actions in private? If not, why are you inconsistent? More important, what’s the remedy? John MacArthur shows you,on GRACE TO YOU.

Christian Ethics, Part 1 Love, Sex, and Marriage, Part 2

The Bible addresses a long list of life situations you’ll face . . . in fact, it addresses everything we need that pertains to life and godliness. And when the Bible speaks . . . no matter how controversial or personal the topic . . . we need to listen and not shy away. On GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur focuses on a sensitive subject: sex.

Christian Ethics, Part 1 Love, Sex, and Marriage, Part 1

What’s it take to be the same person Monday through Saturday that you are at church on Sunday? The same person in public and private? How do you resist the temptation to compromise in unguarded moments? John MacArthur has answers,on GRACE TO YOU.

Happy Are the Harassed, Part 2b

Biblical teaching is being pushed out of the public square in many communities . . . while opposition to Christian beliefs flourishes behind the deceptive façade of tolerance. Ever wonder how you should respond if you’re persecuted for being a Christian? Consider that today on GRACE TO YOU as John MacArthur wraps up his series from Matthew 5 titled . . . The Beatitudes.

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