Be Filled with the Spirit, Part 3b
Well, there’s probably little argument that music can affect your attitudes, emotions,even your memory. But what about your Christian life? How does music affect your walk with Christ? Today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, John helps you understand the role singing and music should play in your spiritual life.
Be Filled with the Spirit, Part 3a
It’s one of life’s most important questions: Do you walk in the Spirit? In other words, does your life demonstrate that you’re saved . . . that you’re informed, restrained, and guided by the Holy Spirit? Hear more on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Be Filled with the Spirit, Part 2
You know that God’s Word gives clear instruction for the local church when it comes to preaching,prayer,baptism, and the Lord’s Table. But what does the Bible say about the role of music in your worship service? How do you worship the Lord through song? Find out on the next GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Be Filled with the Spirit, Part 1b
It’s perhaps the most controversial aspect of Christian living . . .the concept of being filled with the Holy Spirit. How do you know if the Holy Spirit has filled you? Does it happen just once . . . or does it happen over and over? Or is there a sense in which you’re constantly filled? Find out on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Be Filled with the Spirit, Part 1a
What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit? Well, today on GRACE TO YOU John MacArthur’s going to answer this question. You’ll see what it means to be filled with Spirit and perhaps more importantly what it doesn’t mean on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Be Not Drunk with Wine, Part 3b
You won’t find it anywhere in Scripture: A command for Christians not to drink alcohol. But what does the Bible say about alcohol . . . and what does that have to do with giving God the glory He deserves? Find out on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Be Not Drunk with Wine, Part 3a
In some nations, alcohol is a non-issue, an accepted part of the cultural fabric. But, for example, in the United States—where alcohol was once banned—the issue of drinking can be controversial . . .particularly among Christians. The question remains then . . . should Christians drink? Listen to this edition of GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Be Not Drunk with Wine, Part 2
On GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, John looks at how alcohol relates to the Spirit-filled life. So what are the possible dangers of alcohol? What are the potential benefits? And what principles does the Bible give to help you make a decision about alcohol?
Be Not Drunk with Wine, Part 1b
The Bible gives plenty of instruction about the dangers—and evils—of drunkenness. But the Bible stops short of commanding you not to drink. How should you respond, then, to those who say Christians should never drink . . . or those who say it’s OK if they do? Find out on GRACETO YOU with John MacArthur.
Be Not Drunk with Wine, Part 1a
Today on GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur cuts through human opinions as he begins a study on what it means to be filled with the Spirit. John’s titled this series . . .Living in the Spirit. Hear more on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur