The Humble Love of Christ (#2)

Here are some important questions: Just how far are you willing to go to serve another person? How radical a sacrifice did Christ have in mind when He commanded believers to love one another? Well, those questions are answered when John MacArthur delivers a compelling message from the series he calls Love, No Matter What on GRACE TO YOU.

The Humble Love of Christ (#1)

You’ve heard the common descriptions of love . . . that love is a chemistry between two people, having mutual interests, or a strong attraction to another person. But the biblical definition of love is stunningly different. You’ll see that as John MacArthur sets a unique focus on this Valentine’s Day. Join him for an important lesson from his series titled Love No Matter What,on GRACE TO YOU.

The Savior’s Love for His Own (#2)

For over fifty-five years, John MacArthur and GRACE TO YOU have been “Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time” . . . connecting as many people as possible with the life-changing truth of God’s Word . . . verse by verse. Coming up, John will show you biblical principles for strengthening your relationships with your family, friends, neighbors—everyone who crosses your path. Helpful teaching ahead here on GRACE TO YOU.

The Savior’s Love for His Own (#1)

Some important questions for you . . . how would you describe your marriage? What about your friendships and interactions with your neighbors? Are they getting stronger, or does it seem like they simply aren’t going anywhere? Join John MacArthur as he shows you biblical principles to help you strengthen your marriage, your friendships—really, all of your relationships.

Love Your Fulfills the Law, Part 2 (#2)

You’ve probably heard that a Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. One reason for that . . . when you constantly read and meditate on God’s Word, you’ll be reminded daily of your responsibility to love those around you. So risk some wear and tear on your Bible with John MacArthur as he shows you how to Love No Matter What. . . on GRACE TO YOU.

Love Your Fulfills the Law, Part 2 (#1)

When I say the word love, what actions come to mind? You may think of warm hugs, or holding hands . . . but do you also think of tipping a waiter, helping a stranger with car trouble, and giving to those in need? John MacArthur helps you see the variety of ways that genuine Christian love can—and should—be expressed.

Love Your Fulfills the Law, Part 1 (#2)

Well, it’s that time of the year again . . . a time for flowers, jewelry, and heart-shaped boxes of candies. A time when the world gives special attention to romance and love. But is love—genuine love—any less important the rest of the year? John MacArthur considers the lasting love that the Bible praises . . . as he continues his study called Love No Matter What on GRACE TO YOU.

Love Your Fulfills the Law, Part 1 (#1)

How do you define love? Some say it’s “an intense feeling of deep affection” or “a great interest and pleasure in something” . . . and the world has countless other definitions. But the question you need to consider is . . . what does the Bible say that true love looks like. John MacArthur helps you answer that important question—join him now on GRACE TO YOU.

Love Your Enemies, Part 3 (#2)

As Valentine’s Day approaches, it’s a question worth considering by every Christian . . . “How can I be more loving?” Well, to help you with that, you’ll want to join John MacArthur as he shows you principles from Scripture that will help you to grow in your love for others. It’s part of his series titled Love No Matter What on GRACE TO YOU.

Love Your Enemies, Part 3 (#1)

How do you pick out a Christian from a crowd? Well,Jesus said that the world will know you’re a Christian by your love. So how are you doing at that—does your love for others—particularly for your enemies—make you stand out? Consider that with John MacArthur as he continues a challenging series called Love No Matter What. . . on GRACE TO YOU.

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