God’s Plan for Younger Men, Part 2
Though it’s not popular to say — it’s certainly true that when men exert decisive, fair, godly leadership blessing follows. So the question is, how do you cultivate that kind of leadership if you’re a man, and how do you support and encourage it if you’re a woman? Find out, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
God’s Plan for Younger Men, Part 1
Maybe you’ve heard that experience is something you can’t get on an easy payment plan. You don’t get it now and pay for it later — it only comes with time . . . with age. Logically, then, a younger man doesn’t have as much of that valuable experience as an older man. But are there things God uniquely equips younger men to accomplish for His kingdom? Find out, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
God’s Plan for Younger Women, Part 2
You may have heard that the Bible teaches that a woman’s focus should be on her home. But what exactly does that mean? Is a woman really not supposed to have a life outside the confines of her own four walls? In this edition of Grace to you with John MacArthur, John shows you why it’s more accurate to say, “A woman’s responsibility is in the home.”
God’s Plan for Younger Women
Growing old has its challenges. But if you’re an older Christian — if you’ve known the Lord for decades — you have a unique opportunity to serve your church. How? Find out, as John MacArthur looks at the practical — and essential — role older women have in the church. Listen in to GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
God’s Plan for Older Men and Older Women, Part 2
What does Scripture say about aging? As your years add up, are you supposed to resist that reality . . . or embrace it? Today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, John is going to show you the premium Scripture puts on long life . . . what you should put your energy into . . . and how you can be a revolutionary influence for the kingdom no matter how old you get.
God’s Plan for Older Men and Older Women, Part 1
Today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, John explains how your family — especially your marriage — should challenge the culture around you. The lesson you’re about to hear is part of John’s study from Titus 2 called . . . Revolutionary Living in a Dark Culture.
Sound Doctrine Backed by Sound Living, Part 2
When one Christian does something to hurt his testimony . . . in the world’s eyes it’s not just one person, but all of Christianity — the entire body of Christ — that’s seen in a negative light. It is a higher standard God calls you to. Hear more, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Sound Doctrine Backed by Sound Living, Part 1
As you spend time with unsaved friends and family you have probably thought, “How can I get these people interested in Christ?” Listen in to GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, as John starts a study showing you how to do just that. It’s titled . . . Revolutionary Living in a Dark Culture.
Dealing with Private Sins
How do you keep the teeth of temptation from clamping down, tearing at your mind . . . and blackening your soul? For practical, biblical strategies that will help you uproot private sin . . . listen, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
The Believer and Indwelling Sin, Part 4
Sometimes you will defeat sin . . . other times, sin will batter and bruise you. But the question is . . . do you have the drive to keep fighting your sinful flesh? If you don’t, what does that say about your spiritual condition? Get answers, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.